What you are wanting to do is "spoof" the from address. While there can be some legitimate business needs to do this, it can create problems that are difficult/impossible to resolve. Spoofing the from address is rather simple and is something that spammers/scammers have been doing for many years now. E.g. you might be sent an email from
[email protected] as a phishing attempt. The fact that the from address looks to be a legitimate email from your bank gives the email some credibility. Because of this, there are an array of different protections that can be in place to prevent/hinder this.
The crux of the issue is that you want to send an email from "
[email protected]" but it is being sent though your form which is going to send it through the email server that you have configured for your form - in this case gmail.com and using the credentials of a gmail account. Generally, an email should be sent through the SMTP server that is responsible for the domain of the sending user (or through an SMTP server that has been identified as an authoritative server for that domain). You cannot control the authoritative servers for domains you do not own. Then, there can be protections on the receiving end: either in the SMTP servers or in third-party services. When an email comes in the system may do a reverse-lookup to ensure the email came from an authoritative server. If not, it gets dropped.
To put it simply, you can try it. It may not work for all emails (especially if they are being sent to different domains) and there is no guarantee that it won't stop working one day because you are performing the same action as a scammer would.
Having said all that, when sending an email you can specify the sender information within the headers. Here is an example of the header in a sample script of mine using PHP's mail function (this uses a "friendly" name :in addition to a specified from email address
$to = '
[email protected]';
$subject = "Subject of the email";
$message = "Here is body of the email message";
$headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
//From info
$headers .= 'From: Bob Smith <
[email protected]>' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'Reply-To: Bob Smith <
[email protected]>' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
$message = "Here is the message";
mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
For your function, I suspect you would do it like this:
$headers = array(
'From' => $_POST['EmailAddress'],
'To' => $to,
'Subject' => $subject
But, for the reasons stated above, I would not advise this. "System" emails should be coming from the system/application. There are other ways to allow the recipient to respond to the requester.