most likely, either your actual database name contains some non-printing/white-space character(s) or the Config::get() method, which you haven't posted the code for, is adding some non-printing/white-space character(s) to the value (i'm betting either a new-line or a <br> tag.)
this code is just adding an unnecessary, pointless layer. it has no useful error handling, is using emulated prepared queries (the default), cannot be used with a LIMIT x term in a query, and can't be used with more than one connection or a different database type. if you want to do something useful for a database class, extend the PDO class and add a general prepared/non-prepared query method that will use a prepared query if there are input parameters and will use a non-prepared query if there are not. when you make the database connection, you should set the character set to match your database tables, set the error mode to exceptions, set emulated prepared queries to false, and set the default fetch mode to assoc (assoc works best when dynamically processing fetched data.)