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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/2020 in all areas

  1. You can't put functions inside strings like variables. <?php $x = date('Y'); $y = 1989; $description = "In this classic lecture which was delivered over " . ($x - $y) . " years ago, etc etc....."; echo $description; // ==> In this classic lecture which was delivered over 31 years ago, etc etc..... ?>
    1 point
  2. Short answer: it's safe. Longer answer: it's as safe as any other PHP file on your server. It's a common practice to put this script, or at least a script that defines variables/constants with database credentials, in a PHP file that is not located inside the web root (eg, outside of your public_html or www or whatever directory that your site is based in) because if it's not an actual page then it really shouldn't be in the root; this practice is easy to achieve when you get larger sites that have a single public_html/index.php that runs an "application" or some similar concept whose files are all outside the root.
    1 point
  3. No you don't. You have a function perfectly capable of giving you the current session ID. Why do you think you have to take that value, which is going to be the same value every time you call the function so long as the session is active, and put it into $_SESSION for you to get it? If you want the session ID then call the function. Stop overthinking this. No. You see two session files. Containing session data. For two different sessions. How did you run those queries? That's a rhetorical question. You aren't supposed to tell me the answer. You're supposed to consider what the answer is and then continue thinking about the implications of that answer in order to find the answer to your question.
    1 point
  4. I suggest you start your hunt for an answer over here.
    1 point
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