So you have 2 items you can work on. The first was brought up by benanamen, which is really a syntax issue. You are not referencing arrays correctly:
// Use this
if (isset($_POST['itemName']) {
// Not this
if (isset($_POST{'itemName'}) {
That is not the source of your current problem however. Your current problem is that whatever javascript you have that you assume is making your form valid, is not valid, so your text field is not being passed when the form is posted. Another good debugging tool is to use something like chrome dev tools, and look at the network tab when you submit the form. You can then see the contents of the post variables as they are sent when you submit the form.
In conclusion, right now your problem is your html/javascript code and has nothing to do with PHP. The code is working as you intended, as $_POST['itemName'] is not set/does not exist.