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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/02/2020 in all areas

  1. To be clear, you're talking about ignoring errors in the sense that PHP continues execution after? No: once the error has been raised, that's it. They can't be trapped with set_error_handler() either, although they can be detected with some register_shutdown_function() trickery. Assuming production isn't running some hacked version of PHP, and assuming that everything is running properly to completion, that must mean there aren't any fatal errors. So there's some difference between there and your setup.
    1 point
  2. That is only a problem if you store the "display name" in the list. Store the users' ids (which will be unique and never change) and the problem vanishes. EG +----------------+ +--------------------+ +-------------+ | user | | group_member | | group | +----------------+ +--------------------+ +-------------+ | user_id PK |------+ | group_id |>-----------| group_id PK | | username | +----<| user_id | | group_name | | password | +--------------------+ +-------------+ | display_name | +----------------+
    1 point
  3. However, using the string just as far as the the first entity $valrD = json_decode(valrGet, true); echo '<pre>$valrD = ', print_r($valrD, 1), '</pre>'; gives therefore $target = 'BTC/ZAR'; foreach ($valrD['response']['entities'] as $k => $ents) { if ($ents['pair_name'] == $target) { echo "$target asking price : {$ents['ask']['price']}<br>"; break; } } outputs "BTC/ZAR asking price : 179382.54"
    1 point
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