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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/2021 in all areas

  1. I think the point you are making, is that there is no holistic cross language debugging tool, but then again that is the nature of web development. There are a lot of different languages and ways you can connect things, which require different debugging tools. In recent years most of my projects have been done with either Symfony or Laravel, and they both offer a debugging toolbar that tries to bridge the gap somewhat, but at the end of the day, I find there are a number of different tools and techniques you need for debugging. The same is probably true of any networked system, where there are a variety of services that are connected in a non-trivial way. From a front end standpoint, the more complicated the javascript, the more you need to use the developer tools. More often than not, I'm looking at the network tab and looking at the request/response data. I'm typically only using the javascript debugger when I have something specific that I know is broken in a particular way. If I'm not sure exactly where thing are going wrong, then I'll step through the code by placing a breakpoint at an early/well known point. At the end of the day, once code is running in the browser, it is no longer something you can debug from the serverside.
    1 point
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