Perhaps it isn't clear, but with version control, and at this point, the world has standardized on git (for relatively good reasons in my opinion) there is no danger in changing "tested code."
This assumes that you have a development/test deployment and a production deployment. If you only have "production" -- well, it goes without saying that the second you have any actual users, you are in big trouble.
So, I will make the assumption you have a dev/test system, and again, there is no question that you can change anything you want with git, and test things, and you can do these tests with impunity, and without endangering anything in production.
Learn git. Bitbucket and Github are origin repositories where you can keep a master copy of your code in the cloud. They are both used by lots of companies, and both offer private repos for no cost. There are limits to the numbers of people and repos you can have, but in your case either one will be fine. I have accounts and use both frequently, but my recommendation to you would be to use Github. Make an account to begin with, and there are a gazillion tutorials, including interactive ones that will teach you the basics.