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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/2021 in all areas

  1. Definitely check phpinfo() as mac_guyer recommended. Sometimes PHP uses an unexpected configuration file - check for both the Loaded Configuration File value and make sure that there's a full mysqli section in the output. Also, save yourself a ton of pain and switch to PDO now - it's much easier to deal with than mysqli overall.
    1 point
  2. I wish you all a merry christamas. Eat well, enjeoy with family and friends and be happy. (we say so in norwegian. I dont know how it sounds for the english speaking people)
    1 point
  3. I have been registered for a long time here, in which back in the day I wanted to setup something why I came here. That idea was almost carried on but something came up and years later, I'm yet here again to try and get a developer for my idea. As if it was intended that way. 😉 Anyhow, my name is Cedric. I'm 30 years old, little to no knowledge of programming, but here to hire someone.
    1 point
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