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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/2022 in all areas

  1. Try adding 'object-fit:contain' to your css to help the img stay inside your div dimensions.
    1 point
  2. So - as I said - do your php code at the beginning of this code. Then begin the loop $game = "SELECT file_name, Game FROM images where 1 order by id"; $qresults = $db->query($game); while ($row = $qresults->fetch()) { echo " <div class='card-body p-2'> <img class='w-100 mb-2 bg-dark' src=\"{$row['file_name']}\"> <center>{$row['Game']}<center> </div>"; } The div can be setup with a width and a float to position them as wide as your body is and then they will wrap.
    1 point
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