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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/2022 in all areas

  1. Hi everyone! My name is Morten and I am a mason in Denmark, learning to code more PHP to be able to optimize my website and code some special functions in the forms we are using. Our website https://murerfirmaet.dk has been online for a few years and we have always hired developers, but now I would like to learn how to be able to manage it all myself! Any tips for a starter like me?
    1 point
  2. 1. It clutters the session. If you have a lot pages storing their arbitrary data in there then you start to lose track of what values are in there and why. It's the same problem as with global variables. 2. Making sure the session is clean of old data can be hard. Consider if someone browses through the quiz and then stops partway: what happens to the data? It stays in there until something either overwrites it or removes it (like doing another quiz) so the longer a user is on the site and the more they don't conform to the expected behavior for a user, the more data piles up. 3. Upgrading users through data changes becomes a problem. If the quiz works one way for a long time and then it's changed to work differently (requiring the session data be stored differently) then you have to worry about users with long-lived sessions who have old data still in there. 4. It is actually slower to some degree. Every time you fire up the session, PHP has to deserialize the entire session from its cache, and if there are large chunks in there you don't care about then it is wasteful.
    1 point
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