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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/2022 in all areas

  1. I don't know Postgresql. The problem you're going to have is that 1.10 is less than 1.9, In fact, it is equal to 1.1. If the Cast-Substribg works (again, I don't know Postgres), you should do it twice to split the version number. And order by the two values. Something like this CAST ( SUBSTRING ( movies.title FROM '#(\d+)\.\d+' ) AS INT ) AS major, CAST ( SUBSTRING ( movies.title FROM '#\d+\.(\d+)' ) AS INT ) AS minor ... ORDER BY major, minor You can use Integer now, instead of Decimal.
    1 point
  2. Sure. First, as mentioned before this is not SMTP, so all the SMTP_* constants you are using are either the wrong values or incorrectly named. Either make new IMAP settings to use or rename your constants. Second, this is based on some code I have that checks an email account for a one-time-password code so I can login and download data from a site. <?php //Example parameters. $host = '{imap.example.com:993/ssl/readonly}'; $mailbox = '[email protected]'; $password = ''; function getSecurityCode(string $host, string $mailbox, string $password) : ?string{ $authCode = null; $startTime = time(); do { sleep(5); $handle = imap_open($host, $mailbox, $password, OP_READONLY, 5); if (!$handle){ throw new RuntimeException('Unable to open mailbox'); } $messageList = imap_sort($handle, SORTDATE, 1); foreach ($messageList as $messageNumber){ $messageInfo = imap_fetch_overview($handle, $messageNumber)[0]; if (isOTPEmail($messageInfo) && isReceivedInLast5Minutes($messageInfo)){ $authCode = extractAuthCode(imap_body($handle, $messageNumber)); break; } } imap_close($handle); } while (!$authCode && time() - $startTime < 300); return $authCode; } function isOTPEmail(stdClass $messageInfo) : bool{ if (!isset($messageInfo->subject)){ return false; } return stripos($messageInfo->from, '[email protected]') !== false && stripos($messageInfo->subject, 'One-Time Passcode') !== false; } function isReceivedInLast5Minutes(stdClass $messageInfo) : bool{ if (!isset($messageInfo->date)){ return false; } $date = DateTime::createFromFormat(DateTimeInterface::RFC2822, $messageInfo->date); if ($date === false){ $date = DateTime::createFromFormat(DateTimeInterface::RFC2822 . ' (\G\M\T)', $messageInfo->date); } if ($date === false){ return false; } $now = new DateTime('', $date->getTimezone()); $now->sub(new DateInterval('PT5M')); return $date > $now; }
    1 point
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