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  1. There is a minor thing I can point out, if you want. /^[A-Za-z]{3,16}+_[A-Za-z]{3,48}$/i Since /i makes it case-insensitive, there's no need to specify both A-Z and a-z. Personally I'd probably list the two and drop the flag: it keeps the expression explicit about what it matches, and while the /i lets you write less, here it's not that much of a difference.
    1 point
  2. Looks good to me. There are a few online tools to help build and test regular expressions, like if you want to try running a few inputs through the regex to see if they match. regex101.com and regextester.com come to mind. A router takes a request and routes it to a different location or resource or code path. That sounds like what you're doing.
    1 point
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