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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2023 in all areas

  1. If you need a single array then you'll have to do away with the prices objects and re-bundle their data into arrays. array( 0 => array( "prd" => 2380, "id" => "173489", "price" => "65.00", "stores" => array( "store 1", "store 2" ) ) ) Unless your spreadsheet builder thing is a pain, you could take that 0 => array and re-key it to the prd as 2380 => array. Similar to before, you can then use the prd every time to insert-or-update into this larger array: insert when there is no existing [2380] yet, update with array[2380]["stores"][] = "store 2" when it does exist.
    1 point
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