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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/14/2023 in all areas

  1. Is that an assigned table design or are you able to make your own changes? I ask because it is need of some normalization... you have repeating data in the days column. you have dependent data (the dayplate is derived from the days). it would be better to store 2 time columns (start and end) instead of the timeplate to make it easier to determine, say, "show streets where there is a restriction at 8:30am." ie WHERE 08:30 BETWEEN start AND end
    1 point
  2. What have you been taught in your class? Are these tables defined with varchar values for the data? Where is your attempted query statement? Where is your code that you have written to attempt to run the query and then process the resulst? We like to help those who help themselves. We are not your authors.
    1 point
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