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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/14/2024 in all areas

  1. If you "fixed it" but it doesn't work then you didn't fix it. That input type=file can work, I would think, however it will require changing some number of other things - I can't say exactly what since it's complicated and it will depend a lot on other things (which you haven't shown) but it can work. Either that, or go back to what you had before and do what I originally said about using Javascript to prevent the form from being submitted. Again, I can't say exactly how since it depends on things you haven't posted, but the principle is very simple: when the form is being/is about to be submitted, check that there is a value for that cover "file", and if not then stop the form from submitting and tell the user they missed a step.
    1 point
  2. If you've fixed it then you don't need Javascript...
    1 point
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