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Everything posted by QuickOldCar

  1. Looks and functions pretty good, possibly adding some borders for the content could help, is a lot of white there.
  2. It seems to work fine, but the way you load pages with the address locations I don't care for. http://byronhealthfoods.com.au/index.php?location=recipies.php would look much better as something like http://byronhealthfoods.com.au/recipies and can even further improve these http://byronhealthfoods.com.au/index.php?location=recipe_view.php&id=3 For fancier urls http://byronhealthfoods.com.au/recipies/view/tofu-with-hot-sauce Is various articles concerning urls http://www.seocentro.com/articles/apache/mod_rewrite-create-search-engine-friendly-urls.html
  3. I thought she meant the file name minus the extension. something like $path_parts = pathinfo($origFileName); echo $path_parts['filename'];
  4. You use move_uploaded_file() also make sure your uploaded image sizes do not exceed your servers post_max_size and upload_max_filesize
  5. I'm sorry , I misread and thought wanted the extension. pathinfo();
  6. well your name and login didn't work, I see it requires an email versus just a username, so made a test account user:test email:test@live.com password:testpassword your lightbox isn't linking to anywhere, it's really made for an image. If you just link to the proper pages, it will work as expected. Here's one example. http://www.blabben.com/article.php?blab=854
  7. video needs to be array in the form <input type="file" name="video[]">
  8. Unfortunately many things can cause the "White screen of death", also called WSD or WSOD. Best place for to try and start troubleshooting would be here. http://drupal.org/node/158043
  9. Take a look here. http://php.net/manual/en/tutorial.firstpage.php You keep the html separate from the php in the code.
  10. <?php foreach(range('A','Z') as $i){ echo "<a href='$i'>$i</a> "; } ?>
  11. Post your code and expected output for additional help.
  12. The reason why are getting parse errors is that you had html inside php code on the new lines. Whatever you add on a new line that you would like to show should use echo or print, the content quoted or properly escaped, and a semicolon at the end of the line. And variables do not need to be quoted, but can be quoted. Something like this. <html> <body> <form name = "barInfo" method = "post"> Establishment name: <input type = "text" name = "EstablishmentName"> <br> Street Address: <input type = "text" name = "StreetAddress"> <br> City: <input type = "text" name = "City"> <br> State: <input type = "text" name = "State"> <br> Zip: <input type = "text" name = "Zip"> <br> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"> </form> <?php if (!empty($_POST['EstablishmentName'])) { echo '<br />'; print "Now, lets see if this shit works..."; echo '<br />'; print "Establishment Name:" . $_POST['EstablishmentName']; echo '<br />'; print "Street Address:" . $_POST['StreetAddress']; echo '<br />'; print "City:" . $_POST['City']; echo '<br />'; print "State:" . $_POST['State']; echo '<br />'; print "Zip:" . $_POST['Zip']; echo '<br />'; } ?> </body> </html>
  13. try this <form method="post" action="feedback.php"> Email: <input name="email" type="text"><br> Feedback:<br><textarea name="message" rows="15" cols="40"> </textarea> <br> <input type="submit" name="sendbtn" value="Send" /> </form> <?php $to = "ecabrera9@ymail.com"; $subject = "Feedback"; $email = $_POST['email']; $message = $_POST['message']; $headers = "From: $email"; if($_POST['sendbtn']){ if($email && $message){ $sent = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); echo "Thank you for the feedback. We will be in touch with you very soon."; }else{ echo "Please enter your feedback or insert your email"; } }
  14. All I see is a d-. on a white page and also in the source of the page.
  15. Almost any blank line would be good, just not within a comment /* */, or inside an if statement. Placing it before this line will be ok. /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ WP_MEMORY_LIMIT and DISABLE_WP_CRON are 2 different things and will not conflict. As for your error connecting to database, it could be that your host disabled you due to the cpu usage, contact them and let them know you made these changes.
  16. browse to public_html/wp-config.php and add this define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true); If you need the wp-cron.php to run at specific times, create a cron job to point to wp-cron.php This can usually be done through your admin panel Run every 2 hours 0 */2 * * * Can use one of the following 2 methods php -q /home/cPanel_User/public_html/wp-cron.php wget http://YourDomain.com/wp-cron.php
  17. Those people were not so crazy, I would suggest the same thing. Unless you want to make your very own cms, you will have to learn a lot more and also make it secure. You can do that in wordpress. The users website and other items you mention can be saved in their profile. Then can just query alexa to find these results based on that. The blog entries would already be able to be accessed from the author tag. Only thing I see additional would be this. For that I could see just adding a specific category for, or a designated page, maybe even add it to their profile page.
  18. This requires the id number and not the user name. As an example http://api.own3d.tv/liveCheck.php?live_id=13576 So change your $arg to whatever your id may happen to be. $arg = '13576';
  19. All the website files are stored in c:/wamp/www/ To replace files on your server use a ftp client http://filezilla-project.org/ http://winscp.net/eng/index.php facarroll gave you a link to begin learning basic php coding. You are gonna have to learn some php, or use a premade cms.
  20. You should break up all the posts into that site into their own pages and paginate them. Instead of having your sections as a page, it could be a category. I know it seems fine now, but when you get more will take forever to load, also would be better for seo purposes.
  21. The font sizes are a lot smaller than most sites.
  22. <?php $images = glob("images/{*.jpg,*.gif,*.png}", GLOB_BRACE); //print_r($images); $counter = 0; foreach (array_slice($images,0,600) as $thumb) { echo ("<div class='thumbgall'><a href='$images[$counter]' rel='lightbox'><img src='$thumb'/></a></div>"); $counter++; } ?>
  23. That seems to be a functions file that came with zencart, if you are looking for javascript injection files...look elsewhere for them.
  24. Is always a need for people to create websites. Ever think of turning this into your own community or social site? It's hard to compete with the popular cms out there, they have been around many years and have lots of help. To be honest many want variety and lots of features, even ability to adapt it in certain ways to their likings. That's the main reason why wordpress,joomla,drupal,etc are the most popular. I could see a "php starter website" being of use, something they could then easily add and expand it into something of their own.
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