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Everything posted by cssfreakie

  1. if you want us to review the looks, make sure we can enter the site without having us the sign up and stuff. Also this site is, as far as the front page not finished and a review would be not very useful. All I can say so far is that the color blue you use is far too bright.
  2. it can only get better than that, just place a rectangle above and below
  3. in addition to the above is this maybe useful for you? <?php $row_Planet['PlanetName'] = 'Mon Calamari'; // just some test input if($row_Planet['PlanetName'] == 'Mon Calamari'){ $value1 = 'Yavin'; $value2 = 'Denab'; }else{ $value1 = 'fatmonkeys'; $value2 = 'gorilla\'s'; } ?> <select name="gorilla"> <option><?php echo $value1; ?></option> <option><?php echo $value2; ?></option> </select> so instead of directly echo-ing a value i first set it to keep the html more readable.
  4. well if that is the code it's missing a semicolon -> ; it should be $rtn = $_POST['Rtn']; anyway are you sure you even have a $_POST value set?
  5. well, besides the fact that your missing a semicolon, can you maybe tell what options you want and when so not code just say: if this than that etc. right now i see only 2 potential options in your code: 1 If planet name is equal to mon calimari 2 echo Yavin 3 else 4 echo denab. and are you sure you want a option list, because if you only have 2 options and you only going to show one, its a bit odd.
  6. this $rtn = (_POST['Rtn']); must be $rtn = $_POST['Rtn']; hope that helps
  7. here a sample. It's just a brainfart, but i was making stuff already so this happened on the fly. [attachment deleted by admin]
  8. Don't forget you can keep the header 1000px, but let the non-important background stretch to 100%. So don't let a fix width limit you to put that cherry on top. If you need help on that let me know, but i bet you don't need my help creating such designs
  9. also don't forget to take a look at the tutorial made here on php freaks. http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorial/php-security
  10. It looks nice but i would put it in a sort of wide screen video frame if you know what i mean. So a top header and a bottom footer in a contrasting color spreading 100%. and let the same theme come back. a golden bottom border for the header. some other screenshot of the church. That will make the middle pop out more and in the end they still know what the sitename was. and i would certainly make all columns the same length to the bottom. -edit: but i like the color you choose, nice magic old village feeling, but it can look a little warmer.
  11. depending on the grafics. for simple buttons and pretty much anything but photo's something like Inkscape can be very useful. It's a vector 2d design program. As for Photo editing Gimp is good enough! The only thing why photoshop maybe nicer is because it has more brushes and automating stuff, but you can make (most of) those yourself in gimp (oh and they are free and good) As for the book, the book has an order for a reason, so stick to the master plan, and start being creative ones you finished it. I know it's tempting, but a book of 400 pages can be done easily in 4 days.
  12. yes a book, online tutorials are to brief to get the concept. Now a book seem horrible, but trust me within a few days you can do anything you dreamed of(well almost). just google, for some books I bet that these days it's rather easy to get yourself a copy. although i recommend a paper back
  13. the div tag is a container . so in other words it contains stuff. for instance: <div id="maincontent"> <h2>heloo this is a header</h2> <p>this is some text</p> </div> By wrapping them in such a container it can be easier to target inner elements to give them a certain style, for instance the p and h2 elements in the div named main content. Div's are sort of building boxes where you put other elements in. just to give an idea of a general framework for a website. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" /> <title></title> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="header"> </div> <div id="middle"> <div id="mid"> </div> <div id="right"> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> </div> </div> </body> </html> good to know too is that it's a block element. But if i were you, instead of trying to figure it out yourself which takes much more time, just get a good book. These days there are quite some digital ones, so you don't have to wait for the mail man
  14. problem here is a bit that your pattern is not clear. (at least for me that is) in your first question you ask for: So people come up with something for that next thing you say you mean something different (which we had to guess I guess). Depending on your specific situation you choose the tools. So if you have a more general pattern, with say 5 example strings and how you want to have the outcome. we might help in a more precise manner. So i didn't meant to be rude, but with the description you gave, that was for me the most logical solution without bringing in the power of regex, since it probably requires more computer thinking than needed.
  15. no problem, not though at the right side there is a little button on the 'style tab' if you click it you can also select hover state. pretty useful.
  16. than I hope your not making money with it, tabular design is more for old school (1997) 'pr0n' websites. with crap loads sliced of images
  17. well if you put them in a separate folder there is no need to rewrite anything really. But yeah i guess with .htaccess there are some extra trick you can pull out of the sleeve, but i am far from an expert on that. If you want to give that a go, try that on the apache related forum here. it could be a nice solution although it might even be harder
  18. cheers happy you like the blog. That's what i would do, just keep the same file structure and put it in a new map. only thing you may want to change is the path. If it is well designed that should not be a problem. otherwise you need to check the files for file path declarations. often cms and alike have a config file where that define a filepath.
  19. sorry mate i stick to what i said, isolate the problem. make it work (isolated) you already wrote the logic so it should be much easier for you than us to fix this. (connect to database fetch results, run foreach loop and create the table rows on the fly. (and that is html)
  20. I don't believe the code you provided above creates the result of your website. unless footer-sc.php or footer-ad.php is containing this last table. But just for my interest, is there a reason why your using separate tables and not just 1, and why your not trying to use an external stylesheet. This whole page is one big code bonanza. What i would do is create a new file and take the logic that fetches the data that will fill those tables and try to get that working first before implementing. Right now you problem is far from isolated, making it even harder for us to solve it. (it's 600+ lines) so very simple fetch data and put that in 1 table. ones you can do that it should be easy to implement.
  21. can you do a var_dump on $grab_id? and tell the number of array items? <?php var_dump($grab_id); ?> If that is only 1 than that is the problem i guess.
  22. okidoki! css and html are always easier to solve once we have a visual reference in the browser
  23. it's a bit vague, but one thing always good is to make a backup. just for my idea: there are 2 sites: site A (new one html/css) site B (old one php) and they run on 2 different domains or just 1? And A replaces B right? as far as the php site breaking. I hope for you that the site uses 1 index.php that includes other files. if that is the case it doesn't matter if you name index.php monkeys.php or gorilla.php If that is not the case you might have a bit of a problem as far as i can see it. But probabaly others have some ideas. If they run on 1 domain, you can also get all those php files put them in a folder named 'old' or something or maybe even on a subdomain and let them exist there. The only thing you need to check if the filepaths are still correct.
  24. Do you have this somewhere online? problem is the code above is kinda huge and besides that server side.
  25. well i am not sure what you want than, but if i read it well, you want the last part of the string. But it seems you want something different because basename() does exactly that! As far as implicit reference to knowledge of others with regex. If you want help on a particular regex, why you post this in the php forum and not in the regex forum? Now run this code and if that is what you wanted you can be happy someone takes time here to respond to you. And if not rephrase what you want. <?php $myarray = array( "http://rtfm.org/php/help.php", "rtfm.org/php/help.php", "http://omg.wtf.bbq.rtfm.org/php/help.php", "http://why.you.want.regex.if not.needed.org/php/help.php" ); $output = array_map(basename, $myarray); var_dump($output); //this outputs: //0 => string 'help.php' (length= //1 => string 'help.php' (length= //2 => string 'help.php' (length= //3 => string 'help.php' (length= ?>
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