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Everything posted by cssfreakie

  1. please if you have code, place them in code tags! Also if you read about css, you probably would have read on page 1 or 2 of that book. that css is all about selecting html elements, by using selector's #id's and .classes. So the moment you print or echo something you produce html. That is where you could set a class or id or leave it be. For instance by giving every second row a class of .even Than in an external style sheet (don't use inline style) you can target that element by using it's class, id or general selector Hope this helps! may I ask what books you read?
  2. well, a database is designed for that purpose, and if you make all kinds of textfiles, i am pretty sure you have a privacy breach there. Not sure though I am more a css dude besides that i guess you can remove inactive rows, after a while with a cronjob. But a textfile is not a good solution. you need to open read write close and that for every time you type "how you doing?" But I leave this to the experts, My brains just say this, but i had a beer
  3. as already mentioned, we are all here to learn, learning is also a matter of listening and accepting that other might very well know stuff better that's the whole point of learning. If you find out that someone doesn't give a crap about what you say, there is no point in trying to turn them religious or in to a believer in your knowledge. That's how it goes. since i came here i only met 2 people here that were rather 'interesting' in terms of offended. the rest is here to learn and help. Just have fun and don't be to serious! it's almost weekend
  4. my prediction is that instead of everything global, the next phase is everything local
  5. no problem And your right on the fact that ajax is the way to go. If i am right there are quite some Big A Brands out there that already just ignore people that don't have javascript. Might be nice to tell it to those visitors though. <noscript> "dear vistor, in order to use bla bla bla, or fire your admin" as far as spacing, tastes differ, just make it better than facebook
  6. better thank the god who created it mister Meyer! Although in the end you will adjust it to your own setup and needs.
  7. welcome both of you have fun here!
  8. i like the responsiveness ajax stuff. Although if someone has no javascript there is no alternative page view. and maybe give the message boxes a little space above them right now it feels as if it squeezed all to getter.
  9. i like it very much! very user friendly Quite some big images though, but that's becoming more common. Maybe combine them in a sprite to lower requests. right now you have 15 background images you can win some speed there!
  10. well in some countries they call an air strike, but since this is a 'friendly' and helpful forum, try to advice and or correct the best you can(in a polite manner). No one can know everything, and I bet that 'almost' everyone is happy to find out that what they say is incorrect as long as it's explained. And If they don't well, that tells enough about them
  11. although this is not your question, You mind want to reconsider the use of tables for some more suitable elements. Tables are ideal for displaying data in a multi column manner. If you use them for pure layout purposes... don't use them! there are cleaner ways. Also a good idea is to seperate your style from your mark-up. (Use an external style sheet.)
  12. very good question!!apart from a possible solution above here, tables are designed for displaying data in a multi column spreadsheet. ones you make that a one column, a list is a better solution (<ul>,<ol>,<dl>) for some nice forms and another way of doing it you might want to have a look at the source code of some designs of wufoo. http://wufoo.com/gallery/ Although those are created dynamically and maybe a tiny bit redundant, they are much better coded than tables could. They are using lists for this. Hope this gives some inspiration
  13. well if it is in the little browsers it should be okay, quite some things to google on that. As far as app's i am afraid you need to buy a developer license. for Iphone that is, android i doubt it, but i guess they all want money in the end.
  14. You're true, it might even taste the same as eating a dead tree. But I resisted! almost a Jedi
  15. This topic has been moved to PHP Coding Help. Since this is a php question http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=330683.0
  16. Indeed, they are Brussels waffles crap my mind now forces me to go to the store and buy them.
  17. read the manual, it's all in there! as far as your comment on the deprecated stuff, which it is (that's another reason to separate style from content)
  18. as far as poker, if you know how to play you should be able to win in the end, but that could mean you need to play for 2000 years
  19. if you use a fluid width, also use a min-width (with pixels). Why because you want your site to be displayed right in all circumstances. What if someone opens your site at 200px width, by using min-width you let a scroll bar show indicating that he should resize his window to a normal width. (imagine someone having 10 windows open on one screen... happens al the time when playing poker. Just google a bit on screen sizes, hmm ipad, galaxy-s, mobile phones? hmm how do they cope with screensizes.
  20. on the body?? did you try it out and see what happens? indeed nothing. assign your elements with it. And if your smart only 1 needs to be assigned.
  21. yes? and now you ask implicitly how to set a border to all stuff? If that is the case have a read here. http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/tables.html A table consists of more elements (th td tr tbody) than only the wrapper <table>. so if i want all td's pink i do td{ background: #f4a; }
  22. yes css is all about efficiency. why declare something a million times when you can do by doing it ones. Maybe try out instead of 960px something like 80% if you like such a design more. Don't forget to give min-width's on elements otherwise on resize stuff get squeezed.
  23. .TableClass { border:20px; font-weight:bold; solid:red;; /* this is wrong also extra semilcolon*/ } declare the border as: border:1px solid red; so that would become .TableClass{ border:1px solid red; }
  24. don't forget that when you make something it's not you that is important, but your audience. But do as you like, make it 2000px if you find it better
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