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Everything posted by cssfreakie

  1. I am not sure if i understad you correctly bu i have a feelijg that you expect that if you give something a position of absolute, other elements wil float around it? if that is the case, your wrong. Absolute positioned elemend are taken out of the normal flow. Give it a position relative instead and see what happens.
  2. yes that's because your closing the line with the semicolon. also something to read about is the concatenating dot. http://php.net/manual/en/language.operators.string.php try: $message = $_GET['TotalPrice']. // notice the little dot $_GET['CARAT'] ;//end with a semicolon. if you are going to put standard text in between the variables you need to use " " around it of course. when in doubt check the manual
  3. have a play with this. you need to adjust it a bit, added some comments. note though i just made some funky array with values. <style type="text/css"> .box{ width:200px; border:1px solid red; background:#999; float:left; overflow:hidden; list-style: none; margin:10px; padding:5px; } </style> <?php $data = array( 'ffff', 'ffff', 'ffff', 'ffff', 'aaaaa', 'aaaaa', 'aaaaa', 'aaaaa', 'bbbbb', 'bbbbb', 'bbbbb', 'bbbbb', 'bbbbb', 'bbbbb', 'ccccc', 'ccccc', 'ddddd', 'ddddd', 'ddddd', 'ddddd', 'ddddd', 'ddddd', 'ddddd', 'eeee', 'eeee', 'eeee', 'ffff', 'ffff', 'ffff', ); sort($data); // sort the array $linenumber = 1; // set starting line $maxlines = 10; // max number of lines minus 1 $firstletter = 'a'; // start with letter A echo '<ul class="box">'; foreach($data as $key => $value){ //check if the previous first letter is the same if(substr($value, 1,1)== $firstletter){ echo "<li>$linenumber $value</li>"; $linenumber ++; }elseif($linenumber < $maxlines){ echo "<li>$linenumber $value</li>"; $firstletter = substr($value, 1,1); //set a new first letter $linenumber ++; }else{ echo '</ul><ul class="box">'; echo "<li>$linenumber $value</li>"; $linenumber = 1;// one more than 1 $firstletter = substr($value, 1,1); //set a new first letter } } echo '</ul>'; what this code will do is the following: it will sort your values by alphabet, populates the list items until either the first character is different or the amount of list items is higher than the given amount. It than closes the ul and starts a new one. And yeah i am using just an array, but with minor adjustments you can do the exact same with data from you database I think this can be considered a hint
  4. well the php you wrote is aimed at outputting a table. So you might want to try something out in order to place it in a div or ul. I am pretty sure it will be much easier. But yeah if anyone wants to instant write it for you i won't stop em
  5. inkscape (vector design) and Gimp (photo editor) are able to anything you like to do if you know how, besides that rounded corners are no photo's so no need to use a photo editor both are free!
  6. well in the end not the coder but the client is the one decides what there audience is. If they say IE 5,6,7,8 you should have the old school rounded corners ready for use. And if you do it right adjusting for IE isn't as troublesome as some think.
  7. i know people love tables, but why don't you use something with less mark-up such as for instance a div or a <ul>. Did you notice the difference in height of all those table cells? That will be a nemesis to find out with tables. By using a floated div you can with very little code set a default width for each container (div) and by setting a float on them you can nicely show them next to each other. just as an example to give you a headstart which you can use for either a <div> or a <ul> css /* setting a default box assign it to either a <ul> or a div */ .box{ width: 200px; /* we can know the width but not the height */ overflow:hidden; /* shrinkwrap margin: 10px; /* giving it some air to breath */ float:left; list-style: none; /* in case it's an <ul> */ } possible html (i like this one most ) <ul class="box"> <li>some stuff</li> <li>some stuff</li> </ul> or <div class="box"> <span>some stuff</span></br > <span>some stuff</span></br > </div> you could use paragraph's on that last one to limit markup So in other words you have either multiple list or div's floated next to each other. And the best thing depending on your css they adjust to the screen width. A table doesn't Hope this helps in a way. But for this data i would not use a table.
  8. nice, good luck on your time management, I already bought a time machine. Anyway i like the fact your willing to share your knowledge i bet there are quite some people that will find it useful.
  9. well i suggest you read the sticky (at the css board), most repeated questions (6 or so) are mentioned there: peeps that forget a doctype using tables for no good reason etc etc. Centering pages, sticky footer, @font-face, css3 stuff, quite some stuff that is not mentioned so that could be nice. But I have to mention some active member here named Crmamx just made a complete beginners guide on css. So if you have too much time left i say go for it and make another. If you think that's not very useful, see what he did and maybe you can add what you think could be nice.
  10. add the following to a simple php file and run it. Not sure what mysql is doing in the story btw. <?php echo phpinfo(); ?> That should indicate what version you have. if not, you either failed to name the file .php or your host is not running php which i doubt. Also a nice thing to do is to enable error reporting. so if something is not working you got something to work with. Besides that I assume that facebook connect has a pretty nice documentation about this, not to mention its a third party software.
  11. just a guess since it seems valid, retype the single quotes.
  12. in case the following will work for you, make sure you read something about preventing email header injection. because this script is allows it. try instead of request the following notation. $message = " $_GET['Id_From']; //etc "; and again don't forget to read about email header injection
  13. nice one, the next property you might want to have a look into is the property clear
  14. well i just checked and you didn't declare anything for body. also #middlebit successfully is in verdana (but don't forget to declare fall back fonts as already mentioned above) Get firebug (it really helps) if you never worked with it, i made a little vid on my blog you might want to check out, but it's pretty self explanatory edit: oh another thing, you might want to put style.css below the jquiryui.css depending on what is declared in there. (but that is not the cause for the body to have no style since nothing is declared anyway)
  15. Well that's the way they roll, their new site to encourage you to get IE9 is build with crap loads of tables. So it seems they either like weird practises a lot or they are just drunk all the time.
  16. I mentioned 2 separate things. the minheight is for all browsers so just pput that in you original stylesheet. the second things was that you said in IE6 my site looks broken. A common cause for that is that someone didn't supply display:inline on floated elements. But if i were you I wouldn't bother really. the link i gave about conditional commets is pretty clear. You place those in between the <head></head> tag there you can either add some styletags, just for ie6 or a <link> to an external stylesheet have a look at http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/ and than view source. A clear example of targeting multiple browsers by using conditional comments.
  17. the doctype has nothing to do with this! they are refering to the <font> tag which is something different. That's why it's always nice instead of just copy and paste stuff read it.
  18. ok got it online somewhere? seems you didn't inspect it with firebug yet.
  19. a div is a block element which means it starts at a new line. (check the manual if that sounds strange) to put block elements on one line you need to use the property float, a good article on this is the floatorial http://css.maxdesign.com.au/floatutorial/ also you don't nee so much div's if you have 3 blocks the following markup is good enough. Also don't let text just float around put it in a <p> or <span> <div class="floatleft"> <h1>test1</h1> <p> text for test1 </p> </div>
  20. although it's valid, try to remove the " " around the single word verdana, if it than doesn't work get firebug and see where it get's it style from (it could very well been overwritten). Also a good idea to have some backup files in case the OS doesn't have verdana installed
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