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Everything posted by cssfreakie

  1. Indeed! use the right tool for the right moment. this works for quite some designs.
  2. You might also want to add besides that overflow:hidden; on #wrapper, the following to body padding:0; margin:0; have fun!
  3. or add overflow:hidden; to #wrapper. so it will be like: #wrapper { background-color: #0066FF; height: auto; overflow: hidden; /* added */ width: auto; } i hope you also read this efficacious ...
  4. in php.ini there are a settings you need to change (filesize that is). Although I am not sure if you can get to the php.ini or that your on a shared host. Nor do i know if uploading files of 800M is very stable. But what you could try if you can't edit php.ini is the following Put this above your script: ini_set('upload_max_filesize', '800M'); Not sure if it works, but it's worth a try
  5. what errors do you get? Does anything happen at all? you may want to add: error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set("display_errors", 1); above your script. Also are the table names the same as you use them in your query and are the values as expected?
  6. With all things: the proof of the pudding is in the eating, (om nom nom) so test it and see if you get errors. To enable error reporting add the following above your script: error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set("display_errors", 1); remove afterwards, on a remote host. also in I noticed you had a double $ i you values part of the sql query ( '$$cell' ) Apart from that do you run this local or on a remote server. If it's local host you might want to change some smtp setting in your php.ini this is what i have [mail function] ; For Win32 only. ; http://php.net/smtp was localhost SMTP = smtp.yourcablecompany.com ; http://php.net/smtp-port smtp_port = 25 So you need to check out what the settings are of your provider. No need to do this of course when you have a paid remote host.
  7. there are only 2 code snippets on that forum? And if your not following it, calling it junk is a bit odd. Anyway the folowing could be some thing to have a look at and adjust it to your needs $pages["home"] = "home page"; $pages["products"] = "our products"; $pages["contact"] = "contact us"; $active_page = $_GET["page"]; foreach($pages as $page => $page_title) { $suffix = ($page == $active_page) ? "_active" : ""; $nav.= "<a href='?page=".$page."' class='navigation".$suffix."'>$page_title</a>"; } print $nav; . Anyway the general idea is that you give a class to the menu button of for instance "active" tha n in css you just style that class. in php you can write a function to see what what page you are one, like the code above that assumes you have a $_GET variable http://yourdomain.com/index.php?page=home Hope this helps a bit.
  8. could you link one of that articles that claims opacity affects the stacking order? Anyone if you would keep in mind the stacking order as described above, you should be able to do what you want even with opacity.
  9. To make it even more clear. The indentation of you mark up shows the context and stacking order pretty well . That is the context for the stacking order. See image [attachment deleted by admin]
  10. As far as I know opacity does not have a priority above a z-index (of any kind, it's just another property). z-indexes are to arrange the stacking order of positioned elements, within their context. In this case your #container does not contain #container2 and #container3. (so there context is different) In case you want to show the content of #container (which you positioned relative and absolute) above #container2 and #3 without setting a negative z-index to #2 and #3 you need to put it inside of #container to put them in the same context. all you need to do that is at a z-index higher than 0 to the absolute positioned element. So keep in mind the context. So the mark up looks like this than <div id="Container"> <div id="relative"> <p>This should open the DIV, but the next will be behind the next div!</p> <div id="absolute"> <p>This</p> <p>is</p> <p>Pissing</p> <p>me</p> <p>off!</p> </div> </div> <div id="secondContainer"> <p>It will be behind this!</p> </div> <div id="thirdContainer"> <p>It will appear above this!</p> </div> </div><!--- this is the end tag of #container putting in all in the same context --> Hope this makes things clear. (stacking order depends on the context (so the keyword is: context)
  11. well i say it's case closed than. You say overflow hidden can't do what you want (you already tried it....and since you tried it no one else can do it), and i say it can do what you want in fact i proofed it. You say you need a position absolute/relative (at least something other than static) and i say you don't and again i proofed it. Indeed I made you a template, and you laughed at me for using the property overflow hidden and saying is that all you got... What's up with that? Do you even know what it can be used for? anyway good luck with your stuff! I won't bother you again.
  12. it's the docytype which is not first in the browser, also the error message is outputted above it. right click view source to see it. IE jump it to quirks mode if the doctype is invalid or not at the very top
  13. ? did you even try it ? to put fuck loads of info in it and see if it scales or not?? well good luck with your design!
  14. :'( put it online somehwere on a free host, or hope for some visionaries. I can't fix this without seeying anything useful.
  15. EDIT: removed the code here, it works but people like you don't deserve it! and trust me overflow hidden can do more than just hide. But you know that ofcourse....
  16. do you have this somewhere online (so we can see what you do), also why do you make it a div?? a div is a block element. if you want to stick with a div give it a float. and again i recommend a span, because this is probably only for some error message.
  17. so in a nutshell, since this is getting pretty cryptic. You want a red header underneath that at the left 2 divs, in the middle a column and than to the right of that again 2 divs? If so there is absolutely no need to use whatever positioning property other than static. Let me know this can be done in a few seconds.
  18. a good habbit is to run your code through the validator, i bet this error tag will pop up as invalid
  19. also: Unless i am unaware of it <error> </error> doesn't seem valid to me Can't you instead use a <span class="error"> and put the code inside that and in css do: .error{ yourproperties:xxxx; } Do you have this somewhere online? so we can have a look...
  20. please instead of doing that link to an online example. much easier and above faster to fix stuff that way.
  21. that's an interesting assumption, considering you posted this an hour ago. do you have it on line somewhere. i am pretty much some more things and needed to say what is wrong. By the way if you have a class of error. put a dot in front of it .error{property:xxx;}
  22. I am pretty sure you can't upgrade it at your host yourself (i assume you have a shared host). I would ask your host to upgrade though.
  23. well seeing just some php (in a html forum) wont help use. Anyway the most used technique for indicating where you are in a menu is by giving it a class. so often you will see that suddenly an item has a class of "active". See for instance the buttons of phpfreaks.com. If your in the forum the following is the markup for it: <a class="active firstlevel" href="http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php"> <span class="firstlevel">Forum</span> </a> as you can see it has both a class of active and first level. As far as sucker fish son of sucker fish, there are loads of tutorials on that. Anyway i hope you got the idea on how to indicate that a menu item is active. (by assigning a class) If you have no idea what i mean, get firebug for firefox, right click and inspect element. -> edit you might want to scroll down abit on this page: http://hostmonsterforum.com/showthread.php?5803-php-and-class-quot-active-quot-for-menu Seems someone wrote a nice function to do this.
  24. have a look at this post: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=332086.0 ......
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