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Everything posted by cssfreakie

  1. try this to set you up #wrapper, #header, #middle, #footer{ width:960px; } #wrapper, #middle { overflow:hidden; margin:0 auto; } #header, #footer{ height: 120px; clear:both; } #left,#right{ float:left; min-height:300px; } #left{ /* goes inside your middle div */ width: 360px; } #right{ width: 600px; } I just typed that, didn't check it, but it should be okay to give a headstart
  2. I would suggest to try out an addon for firefox called firebug. after you installed it, read the following: Right now, quite some elements in your header are higher than needed. you can see a video on my blog if you have completely no idea what i mean. in that case pay attention to the blue square when hovering over elements in your markup. It shows the dimensions of the elements. at the right side you can see where the element gets it's style from, you can play with it a bit in the browser untill, you like it, than just simple copy paste it in to your stylesheet.
  3. have a look at all the A brands, they all have a fixed width for the middle container there is a reason for it.
  4. well, if it's fixed, mark it solved. another thing could be if they should all fit on one line is that your missing a float (in case it's about block elements)
  5. don't pay attention to my spelling video here if needed.
  6. I did it in my browser with firebug and it worked, so you might have forgotten something like removing inline style. In the end inline style overwrites all your efforts from a external stylesheet. So start with a clean slate, remove inline style and add it to an external stylesheet. Also if something doesn't work it's fastest to check it out in something like firebug. You can directly see where it get's it's style from. made a short video on my bloag abut it, if your not familiar with firebug, it might be nice to check it out.
  7. do the elements fit in the container width-wise? If that has a fixed width anything that doesn't fit in it will be pushed to the next line
  8. this is the css thread allready, but if you want to remove the last box from your site, just remove it from your mark up... Or do you have no idea which one that is? anywway you could remove add the following in your stylesheet: #infinite_header_navtabs { height: 31px; margin: 0 auto; width: 915px; } and remove the first <a> element inside your div with id #infinite_header_navtabs
  9. you could work with percentages, and em instead of pixels for text. another way would be to use javascript i guess to get the resolution. Although as far as i know, for things like mobile devices they make a different special site, and place it under a m.domain.com I usually use a fixed width of 960px. and let the background scale automatically to make it a little fluid without affecting my content.
  10. first of all don't use inline style it's redundant certainly on tables, and it's very likely you miss some property. So remove the inline style of your table and add in your externalstylesheet table{ border: 1px solid red; /* you had just border: 1px; */ border-collapse: collapse; } td{ border:1px solid #999; }
  11. hehe i wish i really had a time machine, I have so much to read.
  12. Thanks Alice!, I'll certainly keep that in mind! php was my first programming language, so i have lots to learn still. I'll definitely have a look at the links you porvided! Cheers!
  13. WoOO just got a OOP php book. http://oreilly.com/catalog/9781593270773 Hope the cover didn't deceive me. Because i like waffles I'll let know how it was.
  14. haha, as long as you don't end up in a zoo where monkeys tear apart your car i guess it's okay.
  15. if i am honest i would just use a little snippet of php. and as far as frames i know of no other way to do what you want than including the header by using include. You need to save your file as .php ofcourse. Just do inside your header: <div id="header"> <?php include 'header.php'; ?> </div> And footer <div id="footer"> <?php include 'footer.php'; ?> </div> if anyone else knows a way other than php or frames i love to hear it
  16. the code you give works although I wouldn't have used special <p>'s with a break property, but just the div's them-self, but you understand the concept i think, so it's good
  17. i haven't got a lot of time, but something i noticed while looking at it: your missing the: <html> <head> <title>steven</title> </head> Also margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 100%; that makes no sense. aligning stuff in the center only works if the width is anything but 100%. It's the same as saying to an elephant that is as wide as the whole cage 'stand in the middle'. Also the clear's you used are not needed.
  18. I think you just posted your thing in someone else his thread. Also the code above is not mine (i would not have made that) i just made it fixed it a bit.
  19. yeah it rocks! when you run it just open up your browser and do http://localhost as for you editor, i am not sure what komodo can, but if your able to store files in the www folder of wamp you can directly run them
  20. they ul's don't have a height. IF you give them a background color you will see it. this is the same for any blockelement you set a width to but not a height
  21. I bet they use bots for it, and what the whole idea behind it is I don't know but your theory sounds plausible.
  22. you can set up up under windows a parental control. that way you can limit the websites with a blacklist or a whitelist procedure. Did your boss also knows that studies showed that people are more productive if they are infact allowed to do other not work related things at work? like playing a small game in a break or reading a newspaper. Glad I don't work there!
  23. put overflow:hidden on the Ul of the menu Since you didn't gave it a height. It should look nice afterwards
  24. What happens to banned accounts, eventually? The badgers eat them. not to mention raging monkeys eating those badgers afterwards.
  25. nice one, that supporter badge looks good on you
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