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Everything posted by cssfreakie

  1. [american accent]Oh my god[/american accent] It's full moon and I reached my 666th post! This can't be a coincidence Either some spam monkeys took over my machine or i become one. footage:
  2. Roger that! Its not hard at all to make a website that is completely valid, as far as errors. Warnings might be a different story but errors not. That validator tells you what you do wrong, so you only need to change it and your done. easy as that. for instance: Line 39, Column 58: there is no attribute "height" hmm, seems you use a height attribute where it's not allowed, so remove it!! Done, just 21 to go. Now you may say it's hard (which is not like i just showed you), but that doesn't justify placing a mark on it that it is valid, because it's not. Since i love my privacy on fora and that of my clients, i rather not says which designs are made by me, although i am proud of them and they are all valid. Besides that it's totally irrelevant because I don't have to proof myself here. You asked for criticism and you got it, if you respond to the critics, with: well how about you than you totally missed the point. Although the funny thing is my free blog (from blogspot.com) is as invalid as a hell. But hey I didn't do that markup blogspot did If you want critics next time maybe specify on what part you want it. usability? speed? language? accessibility? layout?(edit: and you just did good one!) Good luck!
  3. if i am really honest, i don't like it at all. I don't want to be rude, but i do like to be honest. the domain-name claims that it's for web professionals. In other words your audience are People that earn a living with web design on a daily basis.... Now back to reality, I know anyone that does a good job in web design that uses tables for designing the layout of a website. Apart from the looks, which really reminds me of 1997 there are some other things which are a big no no in my honest opinion: press the following link http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webdesignprofessionals.co.uk%2F&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0 yes that is your website and it produces 22 errors not warnings but errors. Now you can ask yourself as a web professional if it is correct you have those w3c images at the bottom of your page? With the looks of the page, although the intend can be good, and maybe it was a struggle to get there, this is not how a webpage for web professionals should look like. We can of course tell for every detail what you could do, and how it could look, but make this project your own. Get a pen and pencil and draw your site on paper, show it to others, and ask if they like it. Maybe you know someone that can draw good, ask him if he might want to redesign you site, and say it's for web professionals. Hope this helps in a way, and again i don't want to be rude. Good luck!
  4. I like it, looks pretty clean, and your using the space very well. I can only think of one thing at the moment and that is the image you use for your advert here.. It's of low quality, and your using a jpg, while it could very well be done with a gif or a .png. Have a look in to a program called inkscape( free vector 2d design), in a matter of seconds you recreated this as a vector file. at high quality. As for income, people that buy a plain, tend to have money, maybe contact some companies to advertise high quality products for these group of people. But that plane of 3000 pounds is mine lol i bet i crash on first flight
  5. Your page is not showing up instead it gives us an error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or '}' in /homepages/37/d332440625/htdocs/ttocskcaj/mbadmin/libs/tffw_exception.class.php on line 31
  6. I meant to say instead of can, can't
  7. hi I am cssfreakie Welcome btw lol
  8. As far as your questions It depends on your future employer really, if you can convince them that you know your stuff, without a certificate you're in, but some just assume a certificate is the only way people can know things (which is pretty ignorant if you'd ask me) and than your out. I would just make sure to show off what you can, no one can take away experience. Any way good luck! (and if your short on income, post your skills in the freelance forum and you might be up and running before you know it)
  9. Your welcome, You could do the same with a fluid width which can be nice Width:50% left:50%; margin-left: -25%; /* width/2= 50%/2=25% */
  10. No problem, (I sometimes get impatient if I need to say things more often than needed) but just to remind you we are here to help, and anything we say pretty often is for a reason. IN this case: <div style="background-color:#ff9900; border: 1px solid white; height: 25px; width: 200px;"></div> just works!.... but your code which we didn't see before (line 6) has a style applied to this div which makes this div behave as an inline element instead of a block element. div{ display : inline; } Unfortunately You can't set the width and height of an inline element. Nor is it smart to set the general div to display inline with the selector div{property:xxx;} So if you remove that line from your code your good to go. If you need that display inline for any of your javascript or any other purpose, use either an id or class depending on the situation. As a matter of fact I just wrote an article on this And there you have it, the proof i want to help, and the proof that we need to see all your code or an online example in the css and html fora. Good luck!
  11. The best tips are already in the sticky of this thread. in addition: Avoid at all times inline css, (not even for practice just don't. Learn yourself to separate concerns) and start off with a nice map structure like the following: (in the end you might want to change the location of these static files to a different domain to make pages load faster. But for now the following is nice enough. index.php [images] +-->image.png [javascript] +-->javascript.js [css] +-->stylesheet.css Next thing develop locally ( i use WAMP in combination with netbeans) Don't use a wysiwyg editor they all suck and make horrific code. Just code it yourself and use something like firebug to check it out in your browser. That said develop for firebug(gecko) and adjust for others that's the fastest and cleanest way. Use tables only for data, not to design your layout, as seen in pretty much 99% of all websites. Take a minute to find out what css is all about. Targeting specific elements by using selectors id's and classes and giving them style. Keep the differences between those in mind.(id= unique, class= for a group, selector = generic Also I use inkscape to design most graphics (2d vector design program) and Gimp for more advanced photo backgrounds and some other stuff but that is a bit to much to work with . at last but not least, books are worth there weight in gold.. ONline tutorials are incomplete and often only cover 1 specific situation. Might want to have a look at my blog, I wrote some articles on topics that show up here daily. Hope this helps
  12. You can place a block element such as a div, p etc inside of an inline element such as a span a If you want this to be done you need to place span elements inside the a element and you could put a div around to position it, but its not really needed. see code below. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/st0yle.css" /> <title>link div</title> <style type="text/css"> a.link-block{ display:block; width:300px; height:400px; background: yellow; text-decoration: none; color:#333; } a.link-block:hover{ background:yellowgreen; } .link-block span{ padding:10px; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="monkeys"> <a class="link-block" href="/"> <span> lalalala lalalala lalala </span><br /> <span> lalalala lalalala lalala </span> </a> </div> </body> </html>
  13. That's the spirit! welcome
  14. Yes you can do this, If you look in the source code you can see the filename and relative path. (in the casse there is no path so that means the file is in the same folder as the index.php (in: http://southfloridaboating.com/preview.swf) So if you just copy paste the embed code and change the file to http://southfloridaboating.com/preview.swf it should work.
  15. i changed the css a bit: might looks nicer this way <style type="text/css">/* external stylesheets ftw */ #monkeys span{ background:greenyellow; padding: 3px 0; display:block; width:80px; text-align: center; } </style> <form action="..." method="post"> <table id="monkeys"> <tr> <td><label for="fname"><span>firstname</span></label></td> <td><input type="text" name="firstname" id="fname" /></td> </tr> <td><label for="lname"><span>lastname</span></label></td> <td><input type="text" name="lastname" id="lname" /></td> </table> </form> tested in IE 789 opera firefox chrome safari
  16. I found a blog of some employee of MS about the overhead: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ricom/archive/2007/06/22/dlinq-linq-to-sql-performance-part-1.aspx Hope this helps
  17. or try this : in case tables is the way you want to go <style type="text/css">/* external stylesheets ftw */ #monkeys span{ background:greenyellow; padding: 3px 0; display:block; } </style> <form action="..." method="post"> <table id="monkeys"> <tr> <td><label for="fname"><span>firstname</span></label></td> <td><input type="text" name="firstname" id="fname" /></td> </tr> <td><label for="lname"><span>lastname</span></label></td> <td><input type="text" name="lastname" id="lname" /></td> </table> </form>
  18. Look, I am here to help, and if you see this specific forum, you might have noticed I do this just because i like to help. For some 'odd' reason it works with most people. But you just don't seem to get that quite some things can happen to your code. let me explain this: Your page contains more than just this div, like I already said in my first post That's why i asked you for the fourth time do you have an online example. Because this little snippet you give works, period. I can give all the possibilities how this could happen, for instance maybe there is a div overlapping with a high z-index. or this div is inside a div with overflow hidden and this divs gets cut off, maybe there is a javscript or a stylesheet setting this specific div to display:hidden et cetera et cetera. I hope you understand this. (just aside Why on earth would I ask for an online example if I could have just said buy a book.... Because i want to help you out. ) So for the fourth time, SHOW US ALL YOUR CODE or even better an online example or search for a forum with people with visionary skills because no one can help you here without seeing all the code!!
  19. that's too advanced for me still but seeing the example it sure looks cool. Now i should be going back to my time machine to start studying c++
  20. a lot! some people make a living on speculating on these raw materials. (copper is very expensive now, So expensive that some retards cut down monuments and try to sell it China.
  21. Hi Dreamwest, First of all, I really recommend not to use inline style, its mostly redundant and slower than style inherited from an external style-sheet, besides it doesn't separate concerns. Now, the trick in positioning an absolute div depends on the width of the element. If you know the width you are already half way. If you run the code below you will see how it can be done. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" /> <title>center an absolute div</title> </head> <style type="text/css"> /* use an external stylesheet!! */ body{margin:0;padding:0;} /* use a reset.css in case you have no idea */ #wrapper{ width:960px; overflow:hidden; /* check my blog why */ margin:0 auto; position:relative; /* see comment for #pop on position */ z-index: 0; } #pop{ position:absolute; /*it's z-index depends on any parent element other than static useful to know for IE7 and lower*/ width:450px; height:400px; z-index:999; background:#ECA03A; color:#fff; top: 50px; left: 50%; /* here starts the magic */ margin-left: -225px; /* the margin-left= width/2 = 450/2=225 */ } #header,#footer{ width:960px; height:120px; background:#333; clear:both; } #left, #right{ min-height: 300px; /* watch out for ie6 */ float:left; } #left{ background:green; width:260px; } #right{ background:greenyellow; width:700px; } </style> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="pop"> <span>This is in the center of the screen</span> </div> <div id="header"></div> <div id="left"></div> <div id="right"></div> <div id="footer"></div> </div> </body> </html> The most important part is this: #pop{ width:450px; left: 50%; margin-left: -225px; /* the margin-left= width/2 = 450/2=225 */ } Hope this helps! cssfreakie
  22. Well, despite the fact that your using a free template, it least it looks better than the Gothic style German underground Old book font store you had before. But i agree with the guys above, that you are using a free template. Which means you are not exclusive and you template doesn't stand for a corporate identity. What does your company stand for, who are your customers, does the design you have communicates this to this customer? There is a reason why some things look like they look. And i am pretty sure any book store is not dark colored unless they sell for a very specific underground audience. Now since you have a much better looking template (position wise) try to play around with other color schemes. (look at the big companies in your branch and compare them. probably you will notice something they all do. I am not saying to copy cat, but to have a look and understand why things look like they look. If you have a few bucks left, check out this book: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Principles+for+Creating+Graphics+That+People+Understand&x=0&y=0 or search for design on amazon
  23. For all you people that focus here on just css in a bite size format, try a book: http://www.amazon.com/CSS-Missing-David-Sawyer-McFarland/dp/0596802447/ref=ntt_at_ep_dpi_1 CSS:The Definitive Guide Of Eric Meyer is worth it's weight in gold as well.
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