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Everything posted by ginerjm

  1. FloorPuzzles is undefined. It is nothing but an error waiting to be revealed when you turn on php error checking. Whatever do you think it is? It is NOT a php variable. It is not a constant. It is not a string. It is a set of ascii characters that mean nothing to the php interpreter and therefore will show you an error message.
  2. If you can sit there and write words like your above post I have no interest in helping you learn to develop code. This has to be the absolute stupidest thing I have every heard from someone involved in IT (notice I didn't say 'programmer' since you aren't).
  3. Turn on php error checking and do a simple test on the results of your query and you should see an error or two. Your first query statement is flawed. What is FloorPuzzles ? You have this undefined string of characters hung in the middle of your query. That won't execute. And, really? You are burying your info (data) on a product in your script instead of a db table? Really?
  4. Dont' duplicate data in your db. Ie, remove fullname. Then do you queries with where last_name = ?? and first_name=?? or last_name=?? to get something close to the first/last name desired.
  5. Maybe you need to do some learning and then try some coding? This code: while ($hs_show = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $urut++; $marqueeText = $hs_show['judul']; // build single text string ?> <marquee scrollamount="4" align="left" behavior="scroll" direction="left" class="text" onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()"> <?php echo $marqueeText; ?> </marquee> <?php } is very silly. You are looping thru your result records and creating a 'marquee' tag for every record. Is that what you want? As was said before - REMOVE THE MARQUEE TAG from the loop. Create just your text and then use that combined text in a var in your single marguee tag later. Also - stop using the MySQL_* functions. IF you bothered to read the manual you would see why. Here is a better method: $marqueeText = ''; while($hs_show = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $urut++; $marqueeText .= $hs_show['judul']; // build single text string } echo '<marquee scrollamount="4" align="left" behavior="scroll" direction="left" class="text" onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()">', $marqueeText, '</marquee>';
  6. So you are not a programmer yet you "have" this script. It allows one to upload any type of file? Really? Are you concerned about what files may be uploaded by this script? Is the 'uploads' folder outside of your web tree (if you know what that means)? Have you analyzed the risks that this script may be creating for you? So many things that could go wrong that a programmer would understand and ensure (hopefully) against. Perhaps you should decide if you want this or if you want someone else to do it for you since you obviously have a website that could be at great risk here.
  7. Add the following to the beginning of your php script: error_reporting(E_ALL | E_NOTICE); ini_set('display_errors', '1'); This will display any errors happening that prevent the browser from showing the page.
  8. Turn on php error checking in the offending script and then tell us what you get
  9. So - in effect - the users are "logging in", no?
  10. If a user provides no credentials to post a comment, how do you know which previous comments are his?
  11. And why the convoluted submit logic??? You have a form. Why not use a 'type="submit"' element instead of an anchor using JS to trigger the submit of this very same form??? Very strange. If you copied this from somewhere, I'd be wary of other silly practices in that place.
  12. Create what instance? Set what variables? Mind giving us some more info?
  13. Well, of course there is a way to do what you describe. Just write some code. And no - I (and the others in THIS forum) am not going to write it for you. OTOH we will help you with the code that you write - the active word there being 'you'.
  14. Uhhhh.... Just use your php skills and make those changes?
  15. MIght have helped if you had mentioned this was a WordPress thing. You can't edit the output of this script, or modify the script to NOT create the element?
  16. How are these privileges "grouped together in a column"? Are you breaking one of the first rules of normalization?
  17. Without trying to understand your code, I offer this suggestion. Why not create a group of vars set to False - one for each of your privileges? Then when you authenticate someone, turn on the vars (set them to True) that correspond to that user's privileges.
  18. What do you mean? Remove an input element from the code? Delete some record that has a key matching the contents of the first input field? Very confusing question without much detail.
  19. obviously you didn't read any html reference to see how this was done.
  20. You need to read up on your html. Add 'selected' to the <option> tag that was selected on your output side when you re-send it to the client. PS - It would be easier and smarted if you used your country array to generate the options in a loop - and it would help do the above enhancement easier.
  21. Aah! It's a js problem. Perhaps you should move this to the JS forum instead of the php one.
  22. Any use of the print button in your browser is not related to php. Is this print button part of the application or the browser?
  23. Jacques1 will have a field day with this post soon. Anyway - You shoud create one small include file that does your connect process and ONLY in that place should you put your credentials. Then that script should be stored outside your public web tree along with all of your other (my practice) important code. And yes - there are plenty of malicious users out there as J will tell you. Always always practice security.
  24. Sure! In this forum you post your code correctly. Please see my answer to this exact same (confusing) question in the other forum you wrote in.
  25. Assuming you are using the MySQL db there are lots of functions available for date/time manipulation. Check out this:' http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/func-op-summary-ref.html
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