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Everything posted by ginerjm

  1. You really don't want to use JS to issue an error message from within your php script. That's why header doesn't work, which you would probably know if you had error checking turned on. Design your script to re-issue your page with an error message area that you can then populate with messages and re-display the page so that the user can make corrections.
  2. This forum helps those who help themselves. Being given already written code does NOT help you learn - it enables you to say you learned. This forum certainly can and does criticize - especially for those who show no inclination of learning how to write php or English. This forum also provides invaluable help for those who show us their code and ask for help with a clear problem. If you ever want to learn php and try and get a job with it, I suggest learning to write a clear sentence with properly spelled complete words - it will help you get that interview.
  3. We were all newbies once. Then we started learning by reading and writing code. THEN we asked for help. You have a client causing you do this thing that you have no idea how to do? You just might want to start learning English if it's your native language.
  4. If you read the manual you'll get a complete understanding of how an & works in front of a variable name in other circumstances as well.
  5. You know - the PHP manual is just great for finding out how to do things. A quick check in there found this: foreach ($r as &$result).... to update the value clause of a foreach statement.
  6. Sounds to me then like you took on a project that you weren't qualified for.
  7. Before you try to do any programming it would be good for you to do some reading and take the time to learn how php works and learn the basic idea of php coding. I'm not going to give you this little tiny piece of help when you obviously will only need more if you don't begin to educate yourself properly.
  8. to WebStyles: - love it! to the slacker: If this is a homework assignment, I suggest that you either go back and read your books and practice on your previous assignments so that you can get to the point where you can keep up with this and future assignments. Either that or just quit the course and take the F.
  9. I already gave you your answer - why do you give us all this code that nobody in their right mind is going to wade through?
  10. You have both php code and plain old html here. Did you want to separate them by closing your php perhaps?
  11. Now I see. But - Mac_Gyver has already answered you.
  12. How about saving us some time and showing us the specific code that typifies your problem? I hate wading thru other's code without understanding anything that is going on.
  13. Probably not. When you can write decent English, then try programming.
  14. Well, camelCase is what got the OP in trouble here. My preference is to keep 'em short and use _ scores. I'm wicked with that 3rd finger.
  15. My pet peeve about (inexperienced?) PHP programmers. Why use caps when you don't have to? Consequently I'm always on the lookout
  16. I suspect it is because of your habit of using capitals in naming your variables. IMHO a very bad habit. $mailsent is the culprit. I think you meant to write $mailSent.
  17. Get rid of the extra stuff like the <a> tags and the <font> tags and make this just about doing your query and displaying those results. Once that is working you can add the pretty stuff later. Oh - and show the code once you make those changes.
  18. Your nums are showing up in the first column aren't they? Add a "<td>&nbsp</td>" in front of the td for the num
  19. Then the OP has a short memory since his first test is whether the password element is ''.
  20. So why do you make a test against 'password' in the code that processes the form?
  21. OK - after I cleaned up your code so I could make sense of it, I see that you have no submit button. Apparently you are using JS to submit your form and so now you have to look at it and determine why the form's password fields are empty. Must be something you are doing in the JS function that you call in 'resetformhash' Question. Why all the divs? Do you really need two divs to enclose one input field?
  22. Can you just show us the ONE form that provides the information being displayed in your array dump? So much jumbled together html/php code to look at in your first post that it is hard to know what's what.
  23. You need to read up on doing JOIN queries so you can join the students to a group and not simply collect all the records from both tables that match your $tc value. btw - When you read up on JOINs you should read up on table aliases and try using them for your tablenames - makes it a lot easier to type your query and to read it later.
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