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Everything posted by spiderwell

  1. put this line just before the mail() line ini_set("sendmail_from", "sending@from.com"); and see if that makes any change? look into php.ini check values for: SMTP = sendmail_from =
  2. first suggestion is try the javascript or ajax forums. but surely its not too hard to create a small script that on click, triggers hiding the video div, showing the form div, if they are positioned absolutely they should appear exactly where you specify. add a timer into the script that starts when the trigger is clicked, to switch back on timeout. javascript isnt my friend, so I can't give any code, I'm still on my first cuppa of the day
  3. I vaguely recall doing something similar in asp years ago and I think I stored the 'picked cards' in an array and then each time i picked a new card, i looped through array to check it wasnt already picked.
  4. it is likely you need to set ini_set("sendmail_from", $from); try asking also in the 3rd party scripts section, you might get a better response.
  5. you might get more response in the javascript forum
  6. So the curly brackets around the $row['something'] variables are an alternative to the concatenation? I not seen this before so am curious to how & why that works.
  7. woo hoo free praise drisate has given you a prefect solution, going to book mark it for myself too.
  8. it sounds like you need an identifing value associated to each page so comments can be tied to that 'pageid' or whatever you might want to call it
  9. WHERE username=$username should be WHERE username='$username' ;
  10. your form inputs are not inside the recommended <form> </form>. move your inputs to echo inside those tags
  11. yeah it confused me
  12. do you mean something like this? foreach ($myarray as $k => $v) { if ($v >= 6) echo $link; }
  13. welcome I found this place great already and I only signed up yesterday
  14. that will return the number of rows in your query, so yes, something like this perhaps if(mysql_num_rows($result) >= 6) echo "<a href='somelink'>link</a>";
  15. this is probably better asked in the mysql forum?
  16. got there in the end, thats the main thing, happy to help.
  17. hehe sure, sometimes I just overlook the simplest of errors, we are all human $page=''; if (isset($_GET['page'])) $page = $_GET['page']; switch ($page) { case "design": include ("includes/design.html"); break; case "gallery": include ("includes/gallery.html"); break; case "contact": include ("includes/contact.html"); break; default: include ("includes/home.html"); } include("includes/footer.html");
  18. echo "thanks for the code markup advice";
  19. also move the include footer out of the switch statement, or it will only appear in the homepage, not every page
  20. yeah sorry a small typo if (isset($_GET['page'])) $page = $_GET['page'] i only closed off one of the )
  21. If I had a dollar for everytime I spent hours looking for a silly mistake like this, I'd be very rich by now
  22. page is undefined as its not a variable passed in the $_GET when you call the page first off. wrap the whole if statement in an other if statement that has isset($_GET['page']) personally I would do it this way: $page; if (isset($_GET['page']) $page = $_GET['page']; switch ($page) { case "design": include ("includes/design.html"); break; case "gallery": include ("includes/gallery.html"); break; case "contact": include ("includes/contact.html"); break; default: include ("includes/home.html"); }
  23. this should get you started: at the top of your <form>, add this line into the echo statement <input type='hidden' name='bookid' value='$bookid'> then after the if($_POST) statement add this $bookid = $_POST['bookid'] do the same for all variables you need to pass or you will see soon as you do this, $booktitle's value is the last one in the recordset, not the one clicked on , highlighting the same error you have with bookid currently that should be the quickest way to get the script working without a huge reworking of the code inplace. I would suggest though that you look at refining it somewhat in the long run.
  24. you are not passing a bookid in the <form> why not add a hidden input to pass the bookid, and because you dont pull that from the form, when you send the form, the value of $bookid is the one from the last row of record set, not from the form. I hope that makes sense. I would suggest either putting the form processing before the recordset loop or just not bother with the variables in the recordset, there is no need to do this $bookauthor=$row['author'] <td>Author: <strong>$bookauthor</strong></td> when you can just have <td>Author: <strong>$row['author']</strong></td> or even better post the form to a seperate page, then once processed, redirect back to book listing page.
  25. sorry i not sure if I perhaps read it right, when you says opens a new window you mean a pop up or just a page linking to the image? so my response my be completely useless lol.
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