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Everything posted by fugix

  1. mysql_query("UPDATE studenti SET k1O = '$kol1', k2O = '$kol2', k3O = '$kol3'") or die(mysql_error()); edit: i accidently changed the commas that you had to AND for some reason, only meant to change your or operator before, the above is what you want
  2. have you tried echoing the number of rows of your query
  3. there are many examples on the link that i gave you, simply replace there column_names and table_name with yours
  4. you will most certainly need a new handle for the mysql connection, as far as mssql_connect() is concerned, you should only be passing 3 parameters in the function, the default 4th is false, which is what you want here
  5. if the user information are numbers, make the field types INT, if they are words, make them VARCHAR, also, are there any strange characters being inserted? Try to escape your user input $kol1 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['k1Otxt']); $kol2 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['k2Otxt']); $kol3 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['k3Otxt']); mysql_query("UPDATE studenti SET k1O = '$kol1' AND k2O = '$kol2' AND k3O = '$kol3'") or die(mysql_error());
  6. have you tried troubleshooting the query $orders=mssql_query($orders_query) or die(mssql_get_last_message());
  7. so your update query is being executed, but it updates all fields specified to 0? what are the types of those fields? e.x INT, VARCHAR, etc...
  8. a union takes the results of two queries and combines them vertically, what I think you are looking to do here is JOIN, for correct syntax and examples look here
  9. no problem, it's a convenient trick, glad I could help you out with this
  10. fugix


    welcome to phpfreaks, you will learn alot here!
  11. fugix

    flash 4 linux

    search flash with synaptic or software center
  12. fugix

    flash 4 linux

    are you talking about the adobe flash plugin or something like the Gnash swf viewer?
  13. as the poster above said, you are receiving a blank page because you declare several parameters in your creation of your function, however when you call the function you do not pass any parameters to it... CheckCertStatus('$host','$username','$password','$quizes','$results'); as the poster above stated, is something of what you need, if you are including a file into the file where this function is being called, you will be able to use those variables as well as parameters in your function
  14. no problem, glad i could help
  15. okay we are going to try this approach $sql = "SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY column_name + 0, column_name"; where "table_name" and "column_name" will be the values of your table and field that you want to order by
  16. the query that you are using now will update all fields with those values yes
  17. You can use a meta refresh with a somewhat longer timeout, or just don't allow them on the site with javascript turned off. true, there are a few simple solutions to the issue, however I wanted to make the issue was aware to the OP as to not be overlooked, since it can cause very unwanted results
  18. word of caution, if you are going to use javascript/jquery to execute this function, you will need a noscript alternative in case a user has disabled javascript on their browser
  19. you are using the wrong operator for your if statement, try this if (!empty($_POST["ocjenaK1"]) || !empty($_POST["ocjenaK2"]) || !empty($_POST["ocjenaK3"])) { $kol1 = $_POST['k1Otxt']; $kol2 = $_POST['k2Otxt']; $kol3 = $_POST['k3Otxt']; mysql_query("UPDATE studenti SET k1O = '$kol1' AND k2O = '$kol2' AND k3O = '$kol3'") or die(mysql_error()); } Also, in the update query that i have edited, you will need to add a where clause in your update statement so the query knows specifically which row to update
  20. glava, in order to update your table with new/updated values, you will need to use an UPDATE statement, use the references that another poster provided you,
  21. why dont you add another field that checks to see if the message has been replied to, 0 being the default no, and 1 being yes...
  22. *coughhorizontalrule* in chinese you pronounce the R as L yeah you're right, horizontal rule lol...not sure where my mind was there
  23. fugix

    Colored forms

    true, my example assumes you want only one field to be a different color which is unlikely, so i will give you an example of changing it to a class. <input type="text" class="input_box"> <style> .input_box { background-color:#eeeeee; } </style> of course if you want every single input with a type of "text" to have certain properties you can use the example that cssfreakie provided. Also a side note, @cssfreakie, you would choose pink as your color of choice....
  24. first, you have your first case backwards, second, for proper switch syntax look here
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