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Everything posted by AyKay47

  1. yeah i forgot the "#" symbol to state that they are id's..my mistake
  2. you will want soemthing like this <script type="text/javascript"> function showvotes(id){ $(id).hover( function () { $("show"+id).show(500); }, function () { $("show"+id).hide(500); }); }
  3. im not 100% sure about this question or what exactly you are asking...however this looks like it could be done with a mod_rewrite perhaps? try looking this up on a search engine..someone else on here will most likely have a solution, however i wanted to point you in the right direction
  4. the "From" header is to be added to the additional $headers parameter to be passed as the fourth agument...there is some incorrect syntax here, i suggest you read the manual on the mail function... http://php.net/manual/en/function.mail.php
  5. i don't help people that just want the cde written for them, if you want to learn PHP, study and view the provided links..they explain how it works..im not going to write something here that has already been written and explained somewhere else
  6. The \n is not irrelevant. It causes a newline in the underlying markup itself. i know what it does, it's not needed..but the code is fine with it there as well, was my point
  7. mysql_real_escape string is a bit smarter then addslashes in that it takes into account the charset of the db server, and escapes a few bitwise characters as well...
  8. if you are trying to escape special characters...stripslashes is the opposite of what you want..it does what its name infers...is takes out backslashes that escape characters, also if magic_quotes_gpc is on.. what you are looking for is mysql_real_escape_string Edit: darn it Gizmo...
  9. in this case if it is named.. "subment" ...
  10. looks pretty cool, i like the js effects etc.. maybe change the green for the headers...tad bit annoying to look at
  11. i usually have a hard time understanding the manual actually because they don't explain much just show you with examples... i go there for syntax not for understanding but not all people are a like we all are unique and special like everyone else lol it is a mixture of text explanation and written examples.. it is absolutely essential to look there to fully understand many PHP concepts.. Some of us more than others. *cough* premiso *cough* KDM, did you figure it out? that made me laugh..
  12. http://www.google.com/#hl=en&xhr=t&q=php+pagination&cp=9&pf=p&sclient=psy&source=hp&aq=0&aqi=g5&aql=&oq=php+pagin&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=68b3f9ae28a95316&biw=1920&bih=999
  13. if you cannot solve this, post the code and we will help you with this issue..
  14. really what I wrote is just a neater way of writing what the OP had, the way that you wrote it will not cause a timeout...that is normally caused by an infinite loop or something along the sorts...are any errors reported here? edit: also, the newline character that you have in your code "\n" is irrelevant if this is to be parsed as HTML, use a break "<br />" instead
  15. in this case if the OP doesnt even understand how to write a simple if statement, i beleive that the manual is the best place for him/her to look and understand PHP..i agree with what Maq posted, will lead to more enlightment here
  16. for ($bathrooms=0; $bathrooms<=8; $bathrooms += .5) { echo "<option value=\"$bathrooms\">$bathrooms</option>\n";}
  17. there are many resources on this topic both here and on the web... many pre-made scripts etc...
  18. remove it from your script..
  19. btw its file_get_contents not get_file_contents
  20. when creating your array, do not wrap the variable in quotes.. $links = array($url); then print_r again
  21. if its working then it is either sending to the wrong email or going into the junk/spam folder..as Webstyles said previously
  22. No error which one that is incorrect? if the mail function is not working, it will output errors to the error.log, do you have error_reporting set to E_ALL? ini_set("error_reporting",E_ALL);
  23. 1. if you are expecting more then one row to be selected, use a while loop instead of an if statement.. 2. you cannot echo an array, as it will output "Array" you need to use a foreach loop to isolate each value/key of an array.. 3. do a print_r($links) and post the output..
  24. start a thread in miscellaneous to talk about Access and how poop it is..
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