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Everything posted by AyKay47

  1. are you defining the function in another php file? if so, you do not include the php file before using the function
  2. the only thing that I see here is that you include a space in the opacity quotations.. what is actually going wrong here? simply not working when you mouseover?
  3. I do not see any initial errors in this code that would cause it to not function properly, operator precedence should enable your addition and less than condition to work properly without error..What errors in your code are you receiving?
  4. you can either style the <td> that it's inside of, or if you want it to have a unique style, you can wrap it inside of a <span> tag and customize the <span> css
  5. this error means that you have either misspelled the function when calling it, or the function simply is not defined before you try to call it...perhaps if you post some of the code I can help you out
  6. what I would suggest you do here is create another table with the dates chosen by users, along with the number of times that a certain date is chosen. If a date is that a user chooses is already in your database, update the row and add 1 to the number of times chosen, you can then query the date with the most predictions...
  7. Your session isn't getting set. You really should first verify that your server provides this server value.
  8. Misunderstood. However a 2 sentence vague question = me posting a link
  9. Very true muddy. However this is a quick answer. Look at the list of options found on the jquery ui website for the datepicker
  10. hard to say without seeing your code
  11. however if you want to do it your way, there might be a way to set a session with the value of $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] and have it update each time the user jumps to a page that isn't your login page, then when the user needs to login, call the session value that should contain the last page that the user visited...
  12. look into using a JOIN
  13. but its much more user friendly and makes more sense.. AyKay
  14. can you post the code that you have please
  15. why not make the login a dynamic include, that way if the user needs to login, a dialog or something of the sorts pops up on whatever page they are on..
  16. can you show some code and maybe a picture of what you are talking about
  17. can you show a little of the infrastructure of your code so I have an idea as to what exactly your logic is
  18. imageMagick with GhostScript and html2ps will prbably be your best bet, php also has a graphics library called GD, however I do not believe that it has the capability that you are looking for...however working on a windows development system will complicate things a bit
  19. http://codex.wordpress.org/Writing_a_Plugin
  20. this will take some work I agree, you will definitely want to create a function to do the work for you, and btherl is right, while the chances of an ambiguous integer occurring are slim, there is still that chance
  21. this thread has been solved for 5 days...
  22. I can think of no mathematical way to pinpoint the exact values of 4 numbers given what you are given, however since you are given an integer with the values concatenated...perhaps you can try to add each value of the integer split up into 4 integers with a given number count...I will show you what I am talking about... $string = '2889607315973661'; $known_total = '14220'; $arr = str_split($string, 4); //produces an array of integers grouped by 4 numbers.. $total = array_sum($arr); //sum of values print $total; if($total == $know_total){ //if the total of the 4 numbers equal the known total, we have our numbers.. //do something }else{ //split the numbers up unevenly until a match is found }
  23. yeah I would tend to agree with MasterACE on this, while this could be done by storing an array of ip addresses and updating it each time a recognized user is logged with a different IP address, you would need to verify the user with some kind of password/username verification...ultimately this logic would produce much more work than is needed and in the long run is not worth the work... perhaps you can use password verification or a confirmation question or something along those lines instead...
  24. AyKay47


    no problem, the <td> will encase whatever is inside of it...so if you have an <hr> with a width of 500px inside of a <td>, the <td> will have a width of 500px as well
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