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Everything posted by AyKay47

  1. even if they aren't, that wouldn't cause errors...
  2. because you needle does not match up to your haystack
  3. true, probably just some idiot..
  4. such a gentlemen Pikachu.. but you do have a point
  5. lol, i kinda feel bad for the person that started this thread...
  6. basically you were concatenating with double quotes when you should have used singles quotes, i myself prefer the complex syntax as muddy_funster showed you
  7. since you have 3 different file input fields you will need to assign them each a unique name and check if one of them has a value in order for your script to run
  8. most likely the FROM header is specified in the php.ini file on the other server, so it is not needed at runtime
  9. i recommend you do something like I posted..Nodral did something similar as well
  10. pagination perhaps? http://www.phpeasystep.com/phptu/29.html
  11. you need to wrap your value in quotes... $sql = "SELECT * FROM test WHERE password='$password'";
  12. i don't recommend inserting a function in your query like that... <?php $loginUsername = "admin"; mysql_select_db($database_uploader, $uploader); $query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM members WHERE uname='%s'", mysql_real_escape_string($loginUsername)); mysql_query($query); // make sure the username and password were found if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { echo "This username is taken. Please choose a different one."; } else { echo "This username is available."; } mysql_close($con); ?>
  13. you are running your query twice mysql_query($query) or die ('error updating databasen'); $result = mysql_query($query);// this runs the query also
  14. look into using array_multisort
  15. terrible explanation where is your php code what errors do you receive in your error.log
  16. can you post your php code on here please what errors are you receiving? and what exactly is happening?
  17. the error is indicating that your query is not correct and is returning false.. 1. make sure that you are connected to your db server.. 2. use mysql_error to debug your query 3. echo your query to make sure that it is what you want it to be
  18. what exactly is your problem? what errors do you receive
  19. function callSession(){ print $_SESSION['ex_name']; } ??
  20. you havn't wrapped your query in quotes $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Tablename WHERE Keyword_search = '$Keyword_Search' and Jobcategory='$Jobcategory'");
  21. how are you outputting your array?
  22. <?php // Process the form if it is submitted $password1 = $_POST['password']; $password123 = md5($password1); if (isset($_POST['passbut'])) { if ($password123 == $password) { //im assuming that $password is coming from your db $password12 = $_POST['password']; $sql = mysql_query("UPDATE sessions SET password='$password12' WHERE id='$userid1'")or die(mysql_error()); $message ='Your Account info has been saved'; echo "<font color = 'red'>"; echo $message; echo "</font>"; }else{ //passwords do not match } } // close if post ?>
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