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Everything posted by AyKay47

  1. You are getting the error because you aren't using delimiters at all, read preg_match And yeah, you don't need regex for this.
  2. KevinM1 pointed you to each function that you have questions about. Each one of these links provides examples and further comments at the bottom.
  3. Look at the PCRE extension. http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.pcre.php
  4. So use the mail function to send yourself an email.
  5. Because the tab lengths are based off of the last letters in the left column, so they won't line up nice unless the left labels are all the same length. You will have to do what scootstah suggested and use HTML to make it how you want if it's a big deal.
  6. If you want the text to appear in a div onclick without a page refresh, you need to use AJAX.
  7. Look into using AJAX for this. I recommend using jquery's AJAX API
  8. this is basic pseudo code. and I'm a little rusty with rewrites. RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} -f RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} \.html RewriteRule (\d){,4}\.html $1.php [R=301] Shouldn't need anything too complex for this, based off of your OP.
  9. my guess is that none of the conditions are being met, so $username never gets declared. However, since you have $password = md5($password); out of any conditional block, even if none of the conditions are met, $password will still be set to d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e which is the md5 hash of an empty string. You should be receiving an "undefined variable" error with this, if you have error_reporting set correctly.
  10. should be pretty obvious at this point. The internal arrays [primary] and [auto_increment] only contain 1 key/value pair, so trying to put these in a for loop and access any further key/value pairs will trip an error (the one you received). e.g. $_POST['auto_increment'][1] does not exist, only $_POST['auto_increment'][0] does.
  11. Mass Effect 3 is incredible, especially if you've played the first two. Unfortunately, it all goes to shit in the last couple of minutes. How bad is the ending? People pissed off at Bioware have raised over $50,000 just since March 13th for Child's Play because they want a better ending: http://retakemasseffect.chipin.com/retake-mass-effect-childs-play That said, the game up to the very, very end, is one of the best I've played this generation. wow, the ending must be a real sucker..
  12. I'm looking forward to this and borderlands 2. Have yet to play mass effect 3, heard good things though.
  13. yes sir.
  14. Judging from the OP's attempted regex, i assumed the dollar sign to be irrelevant. Either way you would simply add it to the beginning of the pattern. $GPRMC_line = array_shift(explode("\n", $gps_output)); This will not work, if you looked at the OP's example, the desired string appears twice.
  15. the syntax is incorrect, you are ending the if statement with a terminating ; if (!in_array($_POST['CODE'], $code)) message("Sorry, not today");
  16. $str = 'GPRMC,120330.000,A,5310.5615,N,00226.2420,W,0.0,10.0,160312,,,A*4B $GPGGA,120330.000,5310.5615,N,00226.2420,W,1,04,25.5,-0.3,M,59.1,M,,0000*5A $GPVTG,10.0,T,,M,0.0,N,0.0,K,A*3C'; preg_match("~^GPRMC.*~",$str,$ms); print_r($ms); results: Array ( [0] => GPRMC,120330.000,A,5310.5615,N,00226.2420,W,0.0,10.0,160312,,,A*4B )
  17. Depending on your logic, you might want to do this in the query itself. Format request_time as yyyy-mm-dd, then use timestampdiff();
  18. Post the results from the code I gave you.
  19. Look into using alpha colors. ( rgba() )
  20. How I have done this in the past is: I set the form to a class, so that every form generated by the loop has the same class. I also use the post_id in the loop somewhere using the JS "data" attribute (you can google this). I then write a function that checks for one of the forms submitted via the class I assigned them, and use the post_id in the Ajax data to send to the server.
  21. I honestly forget how JS handles carriage returns,tabs and such inside of a method. I always use a single line of code when doing something like this.
  22. Either one is fine, as long as you escape the quotes. Easiest way to check these would be to test them.
  23. Well, it needs to be $_POST['data'] I believe it is because you are accessing the val() method as a property in your code, which it's not.. Should be .val(); not .val;
  24. Because they are completely unrelated and it has no possible benefit. Your Tire Pressure and your Oil are unrelated as well, yet when you go to a good mechanic to get your Oil changed, he/she will usually check other things like your Tire Pressure. Why not be proactive and give the User a new Salt when they change something in their account? Debbie Because there is nothing proactive about something that is useless and a waste of time. What the heck do tires and oil have anything to do with the web. You said somewhere above that a user's email is completely unrelated to the salt and hash algorithm you are using, so why are you trying to incorporate it as such. Doesn't make much sense.
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