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Everything posted by AyKay47

  1. by any chance, are you attempting to get meta tags from a secure site? (https)
  2. Again: Paste the code into this thread, don't attach it.
  3. Can you explain your logic a little better please.
  4. Giving a file 0777 permissions is never a proper fix.
  5. How do we know if these are times from today, yesterday, or 20 years ago? This is why a date is needed.
  6. you bring up a good point, I assumed by the context of the post that the OP had confirmation that the mail() function has been disabled. OP, if you are not sure if the mail() function is disabled, this conversation will take a different route.
  7. The purpose of a private or protected constructor is to prevent the class from being instantiated from outside of the class. It can give you control over how the constructor() method is instantiated. In this case it would defer statically calling the constructor. But of course with this small snippet of a class, it doesn't make any difference.
  8. if you post the code to this thread, we can certainly assist you.
  9. you will get more responses if you post the code directly onto this thread, please
  10. you could try using a third party mailer like PHPmailer() to bypass this, or switch hosts.
  11. whatever server that it, it seems to require authentication, which is not compatible with mail()
  12. must have changed the SMTP settings in the php.ini file, shame on him. Look at the php.ini files SMTP settings and post them here.
  13. setcookie() sends an HTTP header.
  14. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=37442.0
  15. to answer this question i would need to see the code that handles the insertion of this data into the webpage. So if you want this answered as well, you should create another thread.
  16. look at the browsers view source to see what the markup looks like. Then position the include to where the table that it contains should be. But I must ask, why are you storing a singular table in an include file? why not hard code it?
  17. this is one of the ways to handle float:s i think its hilarious.
  18. then the menu_principal.php page would only contain this. <table width="487" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="26"> <tr> <td align="center">Início</td> <td align="center">Tarot Online</td> <td align="center">Consultório</td> <td align="center">F.A.Q.</td> </tr> </table> any css on that page should wither be in the parent page or in an external .css file. that being said, you should also edit this line to match this: <td width="487" height="26" background="images/tarotcctemplate_CORTADO_LAYOUT_02-03.png"> <?php include "menu_principal.php" ?></td> also, the use of tables should be for tabular data, not the overall layout of your markup, use lists instead.
  19. from the code given, you are injecting an entire php page into a <td> of another php page. This makes no sense. what is your logic?
  20. .wrapper article .wrap-image img, .wrapper article .image img { max-height: 300px; padding: 5px; background-color: white; border-radius: 3px; } P.S. good website name.
  21. link me to your site and i'll fix this in seconds.
  22. escape the string to be used in your query, which you should always do anyway.
  23. to back pika up, since iv'e read this thread several times now. According to the contents of your original post, html_entity_decode is the perfect, simplest solution for this. So unless you took the code from the op out of context (which doesn't make sense if you want a correct answer the first time), you have your answer.
  24. the simplest solution that I can think of would be to constrain only the height of the image, leaving the width alone. the width might not be the exact max-width that you want, but if these images are hard coded, it will be close.
  25. validate the users credentials to the credentials in the database, if they are valid set a session like $_SESSION['logged_in']. a user may only enter if that session is set.
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