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Everything posted by AyKay47

  1. we need to see some lines before 710, the lines that have your query from $result
  2. Okay, I see what your want to accomplish. <script type="text/javascript"> function toggleText(obj) { if(obj.innerHTML == "Show") { obj.innerHTML = "Hide"; }else if(obj.innerHTML == "Hide") { obj.innerHTML = "Show"; } } </script> <a href="#" onClick="toggle_hideme('div_class_name');toggleText(this);">Show</a>
  3. <a href="#" onClick="toggle_hideme('div_class_name');this.innerHTML='hide'">Show</a> you can also use a function if you want the code to be external.
  4. first we would have to see the PS_Pagination class contents.
  5. yes, by failing what I mean to say is that the condition is no longer being met after the initial iteration, we need to figure out why this is happening. I would output my SQl statements and check them, then I would output $num and $num2 to see what their values are every iteration.
  6. where exactly in the text file? you use rand() several times to add data into the file. can you post the file contents.
  7. Have you tried debugging this code at all? e.g. echoing your SQL statements and comparing them to your database data. If your script is only updating one player instead of every player, as it should, then your condition is failing. Comparing the SQL to the database may give you some insight as to why.
  8. first you must understand how RSS feeds work, you can find many resources on the internet about the subject.
  9. what happened to the drag functionality? made it much easier.
  10. Java != javascript <td onmouseover="highlight_cell( 'cell_id' )" onmouseout="unhighlight_cell( 'cell_id')" id='cell_id'> B1 </td>
  11. Have you looked into RSS?
  12. The functions parameter needs to be the desired cell's id. You will need to assign each cell a unique id for js to create an object.
  13. why would you need to insert alphabetically?
  14. strtotime() is expecting a year as well, so "23-12-2011"
  15. or, if you are using jquery, it would look something like this. $(function() { $("cell_class").hover( function() { $("other_cell").css("background-color","any_color"); }, //mouseenter function() { $("other_cell").css("background-color","original_color"); } //mouseleave ); });
  16. What good would knowing that do me on a Shared Host?! Debbie Well, yeah you should just contact your hosting provider for this, but what I was getting at is you can use ini_get to view the default values, whether that will help you or not I'm not sure here, odds are that the credentials are host=localhost user=root password=""
  17. Its not my code, so I have no clue what that variable is supposed to store. Really, for now I would remove it until you figure it out if you are only worried about storing the field names. $fieldArray[$index] = mysql_field_name($fields, $index); Then to view all of the field names you would print_r($fieldArray);
  18. The next step is a php freaks app.
  19. The MySQL default credentials are located in the MySQL section of the php.ini file. however, they are not always set.
  20. 1. mysql_list_fields is deprecated and should no longer be relied upon. The link will suggest you use mysql_query instead. 2. Where is the $fieldColumn array coming from?
  21. If I find a more efficient solution, I will post it on here
  22. this is really cool actually. what does the "atomise" functionality actually do? right now it just makes the atoms blink and then go away, but i'm guessing you simply haven't coded that part yet. Looks cool, i like it.
  23. the only thing i can think of atm is multiple joins
  24. ok, a couple things. 1. if ($league=="")$league_id = get_league_id($league); why are you passing a variable that is empty? 2. $weeknr = get_league_weeknr($league); the above line is the main issue, as $weeknr does not hold a value, which is why your query is failing. In order to help you further, i need to see the contents of the function "get_league_weeknr"
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