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Everything posted by AyKay47

  1. Is this correct? looks correct
  2. Did you look at the link I provided? You do not use a comma to separate you where clause statements, you use AND. Select something from something where something = something and something = something
  3. Two things, 1. Your select syntax is invalid. Look here for correct syntax. 2. Where are your other values besides $id coming from in your script? 3. I lied, there are 3 things, if $id is expected to be a numerical value, mysql_real_escape_string() is not needed.
  4. Is this actually solved?
  5. Then the table on the right is not returning a match with the table on the left, which will set the right table values to null. You want an outer join.
  6. It will grab fields with an empty id. Order by rand is not a good idea. You can google why.
  7. AyKay47


    By using Ajax.
  8. We understood you fine, but we don't provide free scripts here. We help you to finish your own
  9. Anecdote: We had a candidate for a job interview and as part of the reviewing process we had him write some PHP code. This guy had 10+ years of prof. experience with PHP but always started his code with <?. As he tried to run his code he noticed nothing appeared... Compelely baffled, he calls the interviewer and tells him the server is broken since he can see his PHP code when he opens the browser's view source window... We didn't hire him but I'm pretty sure that guy will start all his files now with <?php Heh, smarts
  10. Your HTML is hard coded so this should be a simple task. make sure that your paths are correct to the external JavaScript file. Also, you should be using firebug to debug your js code, or chrome developer tools.
  11. Hmm, How is the HTML introduced in the page? Is it hard coded or injected?
  12. asynchronously? if so, http://api.jquery.com/category/ajax/
  13. 1. the browser caches css files. 2. internal <style> tags will overwrite external css files.
  14. Currently playing Starcraft 2 on it.
  15. Yep, well it takes me so darn long to type anything on my iPad, there was no way that I was going to erase 10 minutes of writing.
  16. Use the "left" attribute of this method.
  17. In this case the only real stipulation would be that the element would have to exist in the DOM before the injection is executes.
  18. Lol. Same to you man.
  19. Your selector is incorrect, if you are using an element with a unique id, you do not need to tree your selector. $("#button").click(function(){ alert("hello"); });
  20. Ah, in your script function you have movie=/videos/<?php $info["Name"]; ?>.flv Where it should be, movie=/videos/<?php echo $info["Name"]; ?>.flv same goes to the other similar code, you must echo the variables.
  21. Then your selector in your jquery is not matching an I'd in the DOM.
  22. Currently playing, will have to take a look at both of those maps.
  23. seems that thorpe provided the response that i was going to, so I will explain what went wrong. The code that you have, $i = 1; while ($i <= $Quantity){ $output = array(rand($RandLow, $RandHigh)); $i++; } print_r($output); rewrites your $ouput variable to an array with only one value every iteration.. what needs to be done, as thorpe illustrated, is instead of declaring your array inside of your loop, which will result in the array being rewritten every iteration, you need to declare an empty array before your loop and then add to the array inside of your loop.
  24. agreed. OP, do you have any code to show for this?
  25. this might be of interest to you.. from http://genotrance.wordpress.com/2006/11/23/session-cookies-rejected-by-internet-explorer/
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