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Everything posted by AyKay47

  1. let's get the obvious question out of the way, have you already required this file before using require_once?
  2. It's sending the correct email along with a blank email? does it send an email even when a field is not filled out? Where is the form that is populating the relevant $_POST array? If it is the attached php source, please paste the code on this thread. I believe you want die() and not simply die, unless "die" is a custom function. The use of die() is not very user friendly and I would advise against using it in any practical situation, other than debugging. while looking at your code, I do not really understand the purpose of the $key value since you are specifying its value statically directly above your mail() code. Once you have answered these questions, we can further assist you.
  3. first step here would be to check your jquery source paths to make sure that they are linking correctly. Then you will want to debug your javascript using either an online resource like jslint.com or firefox's plugin "firebug". If you still cannot find the error here, feel free to write back on here and we will take a further look.
  4. the most efficient way to do this would be to use a database, which I know that you don't want to do.. you could also save the data into a txt file or perhaps using SESSIONS, depending on the amount of data you want to save. txt files are probably the way to go if you do not want to use a database here. Save the data to a txt file, and grab the data to populate your HTML spreadsheet
  5. if the string is to be dynamic, then you will want to look into using a regex to match your search specifications.
  6. Judging from your posts, the same guru that you say "made you feel stupid" has also helped you in several occasions. If you can't take a little criticism then that's on you, we are not here to provide all the answers per say, most of us are here to guide you in the right direction.
  7. the query string that you are sending to getPrice.php is invalid. xmlhttp.open("GET","getPrice.php?q="+str&&s=str1,true); change to xmlhttp.open("GET","getPrice.php?q="+str+"&s="+str1,true);
  8. this is a weird quirk that I have heard of only once before, perhaps take a glance at this thread that discusses the same issue. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=339051.0
  9. note: session_is_registered() is deprecated and should not be used.
  10. not sure if you simply put the XXX in for security, but SELECT XXX_merchant.*, XXX_merchant.name as MercName, XXX_merchant.address as MercAddress FROM XXX_sales_person, jXXX_merchant WHERE XXX_sales_person.user_name = '$salesPersonId' AND XXX_merchant.sales_person_id = XXX_sales_person.id"; 1. if your table is jXXX_merchant, then your table references will need to be changed, or else your table name will. since I don't know what your methods do, it's hard to say what's really going on here, have you tried debugging your code at all? foreach ( $row as $row): this is not doing what you expect, if you are trying to iterate through each row grabbed, you will want to use a while loop.. while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_identifier)) // example the first step here is to use mysql_num_rows to see how many rows your query is actually grabbing before you begin to process the results.
  11. right but your $error argument differs in your code.. so what is the output of $error ?
  12. since this is a good chunk of code, let's make this a little easier, when you say an error is triggered, which error exactly is triggered?
  13. the greater than or equal to comparison operator in PHP is >= not =>
  14. display: inline-block; rather, should be able to text-align: center; then..
  15. this "cheat sheet" should be helpful to you. http://www.seomoz.org/blog/the-web-developers-seo-cheat-sheet
  16. 1. avoid eval(), its evil. 2. you are setting $body to $message, which isn't defined.. eval("\$message = \"$body\";");
  17. that will do, thank you for the read Adam.
  18. I have just noticed something, you have not encased your foreach code in curly brackets.
  19. the output is not showing because your conditions have not been met, plain and simple. If you know that both are blank, and want to show output upon both fields containing data, you obviously will not receive any output.
  20. hey guys, it's been a while since I asked a question on here but this has me a little stumped.. I believe that this incorporates jquery or base javascript but I am not certain.. What I am trying to figure out, mainly simply for learning purposes, is how websites like facebook and twitter handle their top nav bar links onclick. What I mean by this is when you click on say home or profile, you are taken to the new page without a refresh of the page. Now I know several methods to do this using jquery, but none of them actually take you to the new page, replace the URL, title, etc.. I'm sure it's some kind of DOM manipulation but I am not quite sure as to the method to use for this.. I have attempted several different methods and can achieve close to the results, but not exact.. just wanted to pick your guys brains on this one a little.. thanks
  21. you are trying to use the id attribute to grab the POST data, this is incorrect in PHP, you will need to specify a name attribute value. i.e <input type="text" name="contact_person" \>
  22. use get_defined_vars
  23. with dates you will use a conditional statement in your query, do you want to pull dates that are greater than or less than the date specified by the user. An integer will need to come back with an equivalent match, what exactly do you mean by your question?
  24. typically for a search form, the user types in the search criteria, and a SELECT query using the LIKE clause is used to pull results from the database and display the results to the user.. there are many tutorials out there that can get your started if you are not sure on how to approach this.
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