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Everything posted by AyKay47

  1. right, maybe I shouldn't have been so hasty as to suggest a fixed width with left and right auto margins.. however this method does seem to be gaining in popularity.. as haku stated, there is no simple answer/solution to this question.. you will need to base every child element of your site around your page dimensions.. this answer also depends on the overall styling of your webpage and what you are going to include in it. This particular forum can implement the auto margins simply because all of the elements on this forum are able to expand and detract without really effecting the overall aesthetics of the page, however depending on the content in your webpage, this may not always be a practical approach. Which is why you also see websites with a fixed width and auto left and right margins.
  2. in most cases, the quality of the answer reflects the quality of the question..
  3. there are really two routes that you can take for this.. you can take the MYSQL route and use mysql functions for this, or you can go the PHP route and use PHP's built in date-time functions for this.. either of these you can google for
  4. typically, you want to set your websites width to a static 960px give or take.. this will account for monitors with lower resolution..you will also want to set the parent containing div margins to ( margin: 0 auto; ) to center the div within the page boundaries..
  5. oops, forgot the quotes..
  6. yes, you are receiving this error because your date.timezone directive is empty.. you will need to assign it the correct value in order to correctly use the date function.. ;date.timezone = "America/New_York" or whatever timezone you are in, alternatively, you can use date_default_timezone_set() to set the timezone of the executing page, however, this will need to be called on all of your pages and I would recommend chaning the php.ini directive to effect all of your pages..
  7. if (!empty($row[image_zero])) {
  8. can't say I've ever seen someone try and use class as an element.. heh, happens to us all.. glad I could help
  9. can't say i've seen this error before, but why don't you look at what it is telling you to look at.. what is you default.timezone directive set to in your php.ini file?
  10. just looked at your site and inspected the DOM.. what the heck is this? <class="b">SN: <br>164</class="b"> class is not a valid tag element.. you will need to use something like a span.. <span class='b'></span>
  11. if you do what I suggested and are receiving unexpected results.. post back on here and I will take a look
  12. these things are mentioned in the link I provided.. there is no easy answer here, you must understand the basics of GD.. read into the documentation that I linked you to
  13. you cannot nest <?php tags, this will cause unexpected results and most of the time errors. If you insist on using the echo language construct here to output your form, then drop the nested php tags.. echo "<form action='main.php?id=jams' method='POST'> Choose rating <input type='hidden' name='jamrate' /> <select name='jamrate'> <option>1</option> <option>2</option> <option>3</option> <option>4</option> <option>5</option> </select> <input type='submit' name='submit' value='$view_id'> </form><br /><br />"; also, note that you will need to assign each option element a value in order to depict which one is selected
  14. you can assign a class to the added by <td> and use CSS to make the containing text bold ( font-weight: bold; )
  15. you have only part of your form inside of the echo statement, but not the closing tags? this is the way that I would do it.. <form action="main.php?id=jams" method="POST"> Choose rating <input type="hidden" name="jamrate" /> <select name="jamrate"> <option>1</option> <option>2</option> <option>3</option> <option>4</option> <option>5</option> </select> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php echo $view_id; ?>"> </form><br /><br />';
  16. the only other thing that I see here is that you have forgotten a semi colon after your call to array_unshift. Other than that I am stumped on this one
  17. using AJAX will enable you to get a response from the server without refreshing the page, if this is what you want, then yse you will want to use AJAX.
  18. are you running linux or windows? for windows you can install WAMP, for linux you can install LAMP.. or XAMP, which will work with both OS
  19. to my knowledge, you do not need an internet connection on localhost, since it is using a directory on your machine to retrieve its files.
  20. since you are not setting the return value of array_unshift to $params, I do agree that the $params value should still be an array, I would try outputting either a var_dump or a print_r just after using the array_unshift function and before using the call_user_func_array function
  21. try to debug your code to make sure that it is grabbing the select value correctly upon the form submitting, also make sure that you error_reporting is set to 1 and display_errors is ON etc..
  22. no, accordning to the manual, it returns the number of elements in the array.. quote from manual: Return Values Returns the new number of elements in the array.
  23. i spotted the issue, array_unshift($params,$prova). this will output an integer for $params, you then proceed to use it as an array
  24. apparently it's not, may want to double check that.
  25. 2 things stand out to me, but really they shouldn't effect the code greatly and it looks to me like it should work. 1. If you set a limit of 1 on your query, you do not need while loop since you are only expecting 1 returned row. 2. distinguishing exit() at the end of your script will not really do anything except cut off your final closing bracket which may be causing your issue..
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