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Everything posted by AyKay47

  1. you want to create a thumbnail then, I recommend you use GD http://us2.php.net/manual/en/book.image.php
  2. to figure out which form has been submitted? you can do this by have unique submit button names, then check to see which one has been clicked using $_POST['submit_name']
  3. looks like you may need to read the manual for this one.. http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.call-user-func-array.php
  4. please post the relevant code
  5. the forms action is used to distinguish where the form is to redirect its information to. If you are planning on going the AJAX route, you do not need to include a form at all, as it is not needed to grab the select elements value with AJAX, however I always recommend having a PHP backup script available just in case a user does not have JavaScript enabled. I would advise using jquery's AJAX API for this.. here is a little example of how it works. http://api.jquery.com/selected-selector/
  6. what joe92 provided will do exactly what you are saying that you will want, any image that is less then a width of 600px will not be affected by the CSS, and image bigger than 600px will be shrunk to a width of 600px.
  7. if you don't care what characters come before the -, and if they are not always going to be digits, you can use this preg_match $string = "728334-sdfnjsdh"; $pattern = "~(.*)-~"; preg_match($pattern,$string,$matches); print_r($matches); $matches[1] will hold the value that you want. If you expect the characters that come before the - to always be digits, then you can use something like this $string = "728334-sdfnjsdh"; $pattern = "~(\d*)-~"; preg_match($pattern,$string,$matches); print_r($matches); where again, $matches[1] will hold your value
  8. yes, you already have the select element inside of a form, all you will need to do is set up the form correctly and grab the value using the GET or POST method, then use this value to write a query, do you want this functionality to be asynchronous or upon refresh using PHP?
  9. DevShed's reputation system is very similar, but the more times you're "thanked" the more points your "thanks" are worth, so someone like Requinix can dump 5,000 points on someone, but a new user can only give 1. It's a bit unbalanced, actually, and the ability to give "disrespect" in addition to "respect" gets the system abused. I'd like it a lot more if it were policed, but sadly there's no way to police it since it's really kind of a crappy add-on. yeah, most systems that involve any sort of ranking or reputation etc. will almost always be abused if it is not monitored. Sadly some people do not have anything better to do with their lives then abuse forum functionality that is meant to help and not to harm. Like you were saying about the disrespect and respect, which coincides with the thanking system, just takes it a step further. I am not really a big fan of any sort of negative reputation simply because you will always have those certain people that will abuse the system and give everyone negative rep regardless if they were helpful or not. That is why I am always for systems where the user can only give positive feedback and not negative, if the user did not help with the topic, simply do not thank the user. As Joe92 said as well, not having a negative rep system might actually help steer "trolls" away from your forum and on to another forum where they can act like idiots. On another topic, as thorpe said, figuring out what features you will want to add will and should take a back seat until you get the basic functionality, base code of the site completed.
  10. why do you have the entire form inside of the while loop? instead, if anything, have the form outside of the while loop and have the inputs generated in the while loop if the correct conditions are met.
  11. can we see the mentioned script
  12. i see that you are now using a table, don't, a table is not necessary here and will lead to more code writing then what is needed.. what exactly do you mean by "each one moves independently"? if you mean that you want the spacing to be different values, you can group the chunks that you want to move in spans and move them with the method that I used above
  13. your form method is POST, in your PHP code, you will need to change $_GET['img'] to $_POST['img']
  14. coincides with the position: property
  15. i like the "thanking system" implemented at codingforums.com
  16. your css is a bit off here.. you do not have a position: specified so your left: property will not effect anything.. I would do it using something like this.. <div id="added"><span style='display: inline-block;margin-right: 20px;'>Added By: Peter Teigeler</span>On: 2011-07-07</div> for the spacing.. I don't see what you are trying to do with the left property, but you will need to specify a position property value.. most likely relative.
  17. can you be more specific as to what CSS isn't working correctly. where in your code do you specifiy position: ? since you are using left:
  18. seeing your form, I don't quite understand the logic of this. What exactly are you trying to do by storing the data in an array? The way your code is now, this will lead to unexpected results.
  19. this will really depend on what method you are using to store the data. As pika said, we will need to see the relevant code, namely the form from which this data is coming from, in order to help you further with this.
  20. actually, you can split this thread into two.. you can make a poll for what people want to see in a forum, and in the freelance section you can ask for volunteers on the project.
  21. if you need voluneteers, post in the freelance section.. or wait until a mod moves this thread there.
  22. in order for your code to work, $_GET['img'] will need to be an array, which I assume it's not if you are having issues with this.
  23. you will want the relative path to your file.. from within the www directory
  24. I personally like this method.. <a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick="open_win_edit("<?php echo $result['date_id']; ?>","<?php echo $result['status']; ?>")">Edit</a>"; ?>
  25. you obviously are not familiar with how .sortable works.. id's are not needed on the row elements
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