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Everything posted by AyKay47

  1. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=279311.0
  2. yes you can incorporate a flash player with PHP.. have you never heard of swf player... you can google for this and find many results..
  3. yes that shows that the problem is in the roomid as we previously believed.. if you set the value to the hidden input field as i instructed and it is still turning out empty, then something is wrong with the $roomid variable. can you isolate where this is coming from
  4. AyKay47


    bottom line here.. don't insert PHP into javascript markup..won't work.. javascript is client-side script, PHP is server side.. they are executed at different times.. they do not work hand in hand with one another..
  5. you didn't answer either of my questions..
  6. you have the roomid and hiddenid set to hidden input fields.. but you do not assign them values.. <input type='hidden' name='roomid' id='roomid' value='$something'/>
  7. that value is coming from a form right.. so you tell me how its being set..perhaps post the form code
  8. i agree, that last statement makes no sense at all, nor does your entire statement really.. however if you want to choose what data to delete you will want to use the WHERE clause.. $sql = "DELETE FROM table WHERE username = 'username' AND password = 'password'";
  9. not 100% sure as to what you are asking.. however if you need to grab relevant data from different tables you will want to use a JOIN
  10. judging from your code, the only thing that would be causing this is your roomid POST data not being set.. your logic seems a little off here.. why would you set the session variable to itself if the POST data is not set.. I would check that all necessary data is filled... if it is, set the session variables.. if its not, trigger some sort of error.. having an empty session variable won't so you much good, as you can see.
  11. first glance i don't see anything wrong.. how many rows is your query actually grabbing? view the page source to see what it's doing.
  12. before i glance at your code.. i will need to see the errors that are being triggered to make my life easier
  13. i don't see in your code where you are actually disabling the form from being submitted.. if the criteria is not met, you will want to use "return false" so the form does not submit.. also, where do you initially set your values of $name1 $email1 $message1... from the code you posted, you are concatenating where it is not needed.. you will have to set each variable to an empty string before concatenating, if you havn't done so already..
  14. AyKay47

    css aligning

    what browser are you using to view this code? margin: 0 auto; will work in most browsers except for IE as previously stated.. for IE you will need to use the "text-align" attribute on the body and divs of your content in order to display them as centered correctly..
  15. in your login script right below where you set your $rs variable...
  16. basically, once you have determined that the $rs variable which stores your query is returning true.. you can set session variables to either the username in the db or the user typed username that matches the db username.. some thing like if($rs){ $_SESSION['username'] = $username; } note: make sure that session_start is at the top of each script that you are planning on using this session or any other session for that matter
  17. you will want to use either $q_in or $q_out.. mysql_fetch_array expects mysql resource as the first argument, you are giving it an array Edit: as previously stated..
  18. textareas are no different than inpur fields.. normally using a combination of mysql_real_escape_string and htmlentities is a good start..
  19. I will double back on what I said previously.. the above method will work as noted, however its not the best decision to have a query in a loop, as this will use more memory... now in this case I don't think it will be an issue seeing as you don't have too many iterations.. however this method is a better practice.. $list_arr = $_POST['list']; $query = mysql_query("DELETE FROM teacher WHERE fullname IN ($list_arr)") or die(mysql_error);
  20. looked into it a bit further.. I think what I need right now is a VPS.. thank you for your input guys..
  21. actually, looking at them further, perhaps i will.. thank you for the information, much appreciated
  22. and these are shared server we are talking about correct? i don't need a dedicated server at the moment
  23. i completely agree, however it seems that everyone company that i have looked at does this.. I can't seem to find someone to give me straight numbers.. and a way to increase those numbers..
  24. im sorry yeah you're right.. that question didn't quite come out right... trying to work and multitask doesn't always work out for me.. heh What i meant was im researching web server hosting companies, will need to be a unix server with "unlimited" diskspace and data transfer.. now I know the fine print so its not actually unlimited.. however just wanted to get your guys thoughts on web server hosts.. also for the moment it will be a shared server
  25. Hey guys, doing some research on web servers at the moment.. wanted to get your thoughts on which ones you prefer etc..
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