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Everything posted by AyKay47

  1. change the directive "upload_max_filesize" in your php.ini file
  2. AyKay47

    Explain Query

    the ON is used in JOIN queries... and specifies how the two queries are joined, what the conditions need to be in order for the tables to join.. IN is a MYSQL function that searches an array of values for the specified value... documentation and examples can be found at these two links http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/join.html http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/comparison-operators.html#function_in
  3. the actual words on your website that appear to be text shortcuts.. like txt,brb stuff like that
  4. can you post the code where the script is being set to run in the background using the sleep() function
  5. are the words text shortcuts or something?
  6. AyKay47

    Explain Query

    query selects every field from table a.. which is what a.* means the fields Username,EmailAddress,UserID from table b.. now the programmer aliases table status to be "a" and users to be "b", for a shorter query.. the tables are joined on the condition that the email field from the "status" table equals the Emailaddress field from table "users" now the main query has a WHERE clause here it will grab rows where the value from field "email" from table "status" is in the array $searchuser.. it orders the results by id descending..
  7. wouldn't recommend having the entire page fadeIn like that.. since the page will be loaded before the function you will get a "hickup" sort of effect
  8. good point, that would be a good precautionary measure to take here.. so the code would look something like this OP $exURL=$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $goodURL = 'http://www.SomeSite/login/'; if(strcasecmp($exURL, $goodURL) == 0){ // URL's match }else{ // they don't }
  9. link to the referencing site is in the first post I believe.. don't see any content now though..
  10. granted a majority of people have JS enabled.. however the functionality without it still needs to be there for the users that are either mobile or don't have JS enabled.. bottom line OP
  11. with a comparison statement.. $exURL=$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $goodURL = 'http://www.SomeSite/login/'; if($exURL == $goodURL){ // URL's match }else{ // they don't }
  12. it really comes down to weighing the pros and cons.. where not having functionality in your website without JS enabled really comes in to play is mobile users..
  13. I always set indexed values to variables.. makes for cleaner code.. the memory usage there is insignificant as requinix stated
  14. what happens if a user signs on from another IP?
  15. I guess they're turned off for staff then, I don't run any ad blocking software. I'll see what we can do about fixing the error. thanks salathe you're soooooo awesome..
  16. you want to use square brackets.. [] not parenthesis.. $title = $row['title'];
  17. this doesn't make much sense.. are you sure this is the relevant code.. as to your other inquiry.. if your password for your mysql server is "root", then that should be correct
  18. you are also missing a closing parenthesis.. line 21 should be while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
  19. what is the error and where is line 22..? $row = myql_fetch_array($result) here you forgot the s in mysql
  20. can we see the relevant code please..
  21. I thought so too, however the OP's code is simple so im not sure why it is being inserted as an array still.. OP can you post the relevant insertion code please
  22. before..
  23. yeah your POST value will return an array.. so you will need to use a foreach loop to loop through the separate values of that array..
  24. yeah I don't really understand the logic for checking if it is an int coming right out of your db.. as to why the condition is failing.. I'm not sure really.. perhaps it is returning a numeric string.. hard to say.. EDIT: PFM confirmed my thoughts... well noted
  25. is the field type INT..? or VARCHAR
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