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Everything posted by AyKay47

  1. perhaps for(i=1; i<=30; i++) { x=2; $("#time1000" + i , #time1000" + x).timePicker(); x++; }
  2. well... seems to me that you did yep i did.. JOIN
  3. probably with a for loop.. can you give a quick explanation further explaining the logic here?
  4. http://www.php.net/manual/en/datetime.diff.php might be viable here
  5. sure you tried to say JOIN instead of UNION right? well since both tables have the same number of columns here.. a UNION will work. unless im misunderstanding the OP
  6. okay i don't think you're understanding.. lets try something more simple.. $sql="SELECT * FROM schools ORDER BY class DESC,sectional ASC,team ASC"; $results = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); while ($team = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) { echo $team['school'] . '<br>'; }
  7. perhaps I am misunderstanding the documentation.. debugging your query is always the first step.. using code like Adam posted.. once you receive an error it will make it easier to remedy this..
  8. your ORDER BY clause is invalid.. read thheree documentation
  9. look into using a Union
  10. nice..
  11. $var = ""; $var .= "USER banned:<b>"; $var .= '<a style="text-decoration: none;" href="'.$forumurl.'1acpanel/user.php?do=edit&u='.$banuserid.'"<fontcolor="#4822aa" face="verdana" size="2">'.$banusername.'</font></a><br>'; var .= "</b>USER Banned By:<b>"; etc...
  12. if you use sessions to determine if someone is online/offline, and you have the session lifetime directive set to 0 in their php.ini file.. if they close their browser, their session will be terminated.. thus they will appear offline..
  13. $SendFrom = "Form Feedback <feedback@yourdomain.com>"; $SendTo = "feedback@yourdomain.com"; $SubjectLine = "Feedback Submission"; $ThanksURL = "thanks.html"; //confirmation page foreach ($_POST as $Field=>$Value){ if(!empty($Value)){ $MsgBody .= "$Field: $Value\n"; $MsgBody .= "\n" . @gethostbyaddr($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) . "\n" . $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]; } } $MsgBody = htmlspecialchars($MsgBody, ENT_NOQUOTES); //make safe mail($SendTo, $SubjectLine, $MsgBody, "From: $SendFrom"); header("Location: $http://www.yourdomain.org"); also, I see that you are using a lot of capital letters in your variable names.. word of caution.. variable names are case sensitive.. so $Variable does not equal $variable.. I normally always use lower case characters in my variables..
  14. in your foreach loop you will want to go about this logic this way.. if(!empty($Value)){ // execute foreach code }
  15. your query will work for what you want to do.. are you not sure how to make a table with the info? or are you asking if your query is correct for what you want to accomplish?
  16. you said you want to match the p key... so thats what I gave you.. perhaps you should explain better..
  17. <?php $pattern = "~http:.*&p=([0-9a-zA-Z]+)~i"; $string = "http://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0WTfYQKqWlO.FYA2CibvZx4?fr=yfp-t-701-s&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF8&p=keyword"; preg_match($pattern,$string,$matches); print $matches[1]; ?>
  18. as PFM suggested, perhaps a mysql solution here would be much easier.. refer here for a reference of mysql's date/time functions
  19. you can also use mktime to make the future timestamp.. use that timestamp with the date function to get your date as a string.. you can also use date to get your current date as a string and compare them to your db table data..
  20. well you must be missing something, because the db information isn't correct.. check for case sensitivity etc.
  21. anything retrieved from a database will be in string format.. will need to be an int
  22. np, sorry it took me so long to realize the parenthesis.. trying to work and help at the same time...
  23. remove the parenthesis in your $sql variable $sql="select * from users where username = '$username' and upassword = '$password'";
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