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Everything posted by AyKay47

  1. why dont you want to use a session..?
  2. Actually, dice is the plural. Die is the singular. he got you there..
  3. I prefer the datepicker widget from the jquery UI.. http://jqueryui.com/demos/datepicker/
  4. after retrieving the contents.. why don't you explode with a comma delimiter right away? then use a foreach loop to display the results.. what are your actual results with this code..?
  5. well what is this line outputting echo "The score is: " . $score . "/" . $maxscore . ""; what are the values of $score and $maxscore..?
  6. well that is exactly what you are telling it to do.. by having the increment after the variable here.. $numberofansweredquestions++; if you select "NO" you will receive a 0..
  7. remove the parenthesis from this line WHERE (x_payments.PaymentComplete = 1) AND (x_orders.OrderStatus = 0)) around your WHERE conditionals
  8. i would say welcome.. but that doesn't seem quite right..
  9. from the looks of it, an output buffer is not really needed here.. if you do a print_r($_SESSION); after you specify sessionstart(), what are your results..?
  10. i'm not sure on the exact percentage..(you can look it up), but unfortunately a lot of people still use IE.. my advice would be to make it compatible with all browsers pre-launch
  11. foreach($subtitle as $value){ if(strpos($text,$value)){ str_replace($value,'',$text); } }
  12. first attempt should work as long as you use the correct comparison operators as the poster above noted..
  13. you can enable it.. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2043070/enabling-get-in-codeigniter
  14. (direct) child selector combinator.. http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/selector.html#child-selectors
  15. yeah I think you're confused.. just because you set cookies using server side PHP, doesn't meant the cookie is server side..
  16. you can also pass php variables as arguments to a javascript function.. eg <head> <script type='text/javascript'> function someFunc(variable){ document.write(variable); } </script> </head> <span onClick="someFunc(<?php echo $variable; ?>)"></span>
  17. you can probably remove this code entirely... as it will not do anything wanted... the only time that the POST data will be set is when the form is submitted..
  18. sounds like your mysql_connect credentials are incorrect.. double check the credentials and keep character casing in mind..
  19. yeah, sounds so.. I'll report it to them..
  20. yeah, I have noticed that it pastes it correctly for me about 70% of the time.. not sure why the 30% is happening
  21. remove the error supressors.. " @ " for the copy function and chmod function.. then let me know what errors are being sent to the error.log
  22. and if the mail function is not working.. it will most certainly send an error to the error.log, make sure you have error_reporting set to E_ALL
  23. can you post the relevant code..?
  24. can you paste your code on here please..
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