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Everything posted by AyKay47

  1. so you're saying that when you compare time() to the time stored in your db that was stored a few seconds ago.. the time difference is 20 hours?
  2. heh..
  3. where is $_POST['BRVbrtrv_boxnumber'] coming from..? it looks like its a multi_dim array..
  4. insert the data into your db how you would normally insert a string.. then when you are ready to call that data.. use unserialize to display the data in its proper format..
  5. i see that your footer says hand-coded.. I thought everyone knew how to code with their feet as well!?
  6. replace json_encode with serialize..
  7. I am seeing this error instead of the advertisement.. thought you should know... Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference in /home/webfreak/public_html/plugins/deliveryAdRender/oxMarketDelivery/oxMarketDelivery.delivery.php on line 71
  8. please mark as solved
  9. why not use unserialize to view the information in its proper format?
  10. i bleieve that serialize will better suite your needs here.. creates a storable representation of a value
  11. the time in your database is changing frequently? will be hard to diagnose without seeing your code
  12. can you post the relevant query code please
  13. you should be receiving an SQL connection error..? I believe that this is a MSSQL bug... try changing $serverName = "" What OS are you using?
  14. in your case it sounds like you will want to use a JOIN query.. For information on using a JOIN query, look here
  15. have you outputted $id to make sure it is what you expect before using it in your update query?
  16. the only thing that catches my eye is the parenthesis around your second condition are not needed.. if (isset($_GET['ref']) && $_GET['ref'] == "att") //remove parenthsis { $_SESSION['ref'] = "att"; } else { $_SESSION['ref'] = "no url appendage"; }
  17. looks like your server has the REQUEST_URI index omitted..
  18. what exactly is going wrong
  19. if you keep using the else conditional... perhaps you should output the session to see what you are getting.. if (isset($_SESSION['ref']) && $_SESSION['ref'] == "att") { echo "<span class='phone'><img src='/images/B.png' /></span>"; } else { print $_SESSION['ref']; }
  20. mysql_affected_rows() will only work for INSERT, UPDATE, REPACE, or DELETE queries.. not SELECT queries.. you would want to use mysql_num_rows instead.. however I don't think this is what you want... what are you trying to achieve again?
  21. $upload = $_FILES['upload']['name']; $upload = str_replace("'","",$upload);
  22. do you have session_start() in your code anywhere?
  23. this should help.. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/where-optimizations.html
  24. yes it will cut the string prematurely.. I would use str_replace() to remove apostrophes from the file name..
  25. worthless post by WebStyles. Coolness! worthless post by AyKay47, about a worthless post by WebStyles. Coolness! the chain can go on forever.
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