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Everything posted by titan21

  1. I'm thinking that you need to look at an AJAX solution to this possibly?
  2. This is probably just a question of style rather than whether its the right or wrong way to do it - can you post some code so we can give you an idea if there is a better way?
  3. If you access to your servers config and its Apache - have google mod_rewite - that may be able to help.
  4. Long post!!! :-\ without looking at it too deeply - I notice you used: ob_start(); without a ob_flush(); anywhere?? Are you able to check your logs?
  5. The format class::function() is a static function wich means that you don't need an instance of the class inorder to execute it. $obj - new Object() instantiates a new instance of the class. By default, this always calls the magic method __construct().
  6. No worries- can u mark the thread as Solved for me?
  7. check the output of print_r($_POST) to make sure data is being passed first of all.
  8. No worries - can you mark this thread as solved?
  9. I haven't used this module before but php.net does say it needs to work with CLI or CGI vesions of PHP? Not sure where u check this tho - in PHPInfo perhaps?
  10. Does this help? http://labs.phurix.net/posts/is-google-pagerank-dead
  11. What server are u running this on?
  12. check your phpinfo to see its compiled in okay - u should see a module for PCNTL listed hopefully
  13. You can use bool session_regenerate_id () which will regernate a new session with a new id - effectively making the previous session redundant
  14. cool - can you mark this thread as solved for me? Thanks!
  15. Just wanna check that your putting print_r($_POST) at the top of orderform.php and not in the code below the form?
  16. Sorry just spotted this in your form: Method = "Post" Try print_r($_POST)
  17. Try $result = $conn->query($sql) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
  18. Try changing your $_REQUEST to $_GET and then do a print_r($_GET) to see what u get.
  19. So looks like they are not being passed along - what HTML are u using to send the form variables?
  20. Okay - try: print_r($_REQUEST) to make sure your variables are set. Also - are these variables being passed by GET or PAT methods - try using $_GET or $_POST if they are. I'm not sure what the value of $_REQUEST is to be honest.
  21. Been thinking about this and I can't think why "mr test" should give rise to "ms danielle". Can you provide the data that is the database for "ms danielle"? We might be able to see if there is something matching in that record to "mr test" which is why it is appearing. I can't think of any other reason why this may be happening.
  22. Try the following: <?php $imageid = 1; if(isset($_GET['id']) { $imageid = $_GET['id']; } require_once('includes/connection.inc.php'); $conn = dbConnect(); $sql = 'SELECT filename FROM images WHERE image_id = $imageid'; $msg = ''; if(!$sql) { echo "Something went wrong with the query. Please try again."; } $result = $conn->query($sql) or die(mysqli_error()); if(mysqli_num_rows($result) == 0) { header('Location: empty_blog.php'); $conn->close(); } else { $row = $result->fetch_row(); $image = $row[0]; } ?> <?php include('header.php'); ?> <div class="content main"> <a href="thispage.php?id=<?php echo $imageid+1; ?>"> <img id="image" src="images/<?php echo $image; ?>"/> </a> </div> <?php include('includes/footer.inc.php'); ?> I haven't actually tested this so forgive me if I've missed something out. Hopefully you'll get the idea.
  23. Um - okay - first of all let's check that your host is allowing the mail functionality(I think this can be switched off) - create a new file and run a very simple mail command: mail("orders@thenewme.co.za", "This is a test", "It's working") See if that works. Also - it might be worth outputting your variables to make sure they are set correctly. With regards to your log - if you're not running your own host - i'm not really sure where you can get access to this.
  24. These are just functions supplied by the library so you can call them in anyway you like. You could use a form based method or perhaps AJAX?
  25. In your second post - I couldn't see where $message was being set. I this perhaps the issue? Can you check your logs?
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