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Everything posted by jazzman1

  1. I've never use the imagecopy php function, but if you try to change -200 to +200, what's happening? Do not remove the plus symbol.
  2. Did you save the file to the right destination or not?
  3. Where is your php script? Also, what data type has this field in database when you try to save the negative value?
  4. When you defined it
  5. Change this part of the script, foreach ($info as $file_info) { $all = explode(",",$file_info); $id = $all[0]; $filename = $all[1]; $url = $all[2]; $filetype = $all[3]; $filesize = $all[4]; $db->query("INSERT INTO newsfeeder_files (fileId, originalFilename, shortUrl, fileType, fileSize) VALUES ('".$id."','".$filename."','".$url."','".$filetype."', '".$filesize."')"); } to $i = 0; foreach ($info as $file_info) { $all = explode(",",$file_info); $id = $all[$i]; $filename = $all[$i]; $url = $all[$i]; $filetype = $all[$i]; $filesize = $all[$i]; $db->query("INSERT INTO newsfeeder_files (fileId, originalFilename, shortUrl, fileType, fileSize) VALUES ('".$id."','".$filename."','".$url."','".$filetype."', '".$filesize."')"); $i++ } By the way, running a sql query in the loop is a very bad practice. EDIT: OR $i = 0; foreach ($info as $file_info) { $all = explode(",",$file_info); $id = $all[0][$i]; $filename = $all[1][$i]; $url = $all[2][$i]; $filetype = $all[3][$i]; $filesize = $all[4][$i]; $db->query("INSERT INTO newsfeeder_files (fileId, originalFilename, shortUrl, fileType, fileSize) VALUES ('".$id."','".$filename."','".$url."','".$filetype."', '".$filesize."')"); $i++ }
  6. I want you to check what values get inside that method: $this->mailer->AddAddress($email,$name);
  7. Can you show us the string before attaching to phpMailer transport method, please.
  8. Can you echo out the insert statement before to send it to the database?
  9. Well, but the horse is a beautiful animal, that's why I get confused. You maybe meant hourse?
  10. Yes, denno020 is right and use mysql_num_rows() after the first $result. My question is: What is common between horse and date values?
  11. It is my fault, there are out of the php tags, sorry Did you get a correct value before to send the form to the web server?
  12. Do not use single quotes around php variables: $reservationDisplay .= '$thisCal->addEvent(date(' .$newcheckinDate. '), "' .$checkintime. 'Holiday Let Reservation, Mill Wheel </br> Bob Johnson Family </br> 01933 526655", "10:45 AM", "Reservation for 5 days");'; Try this, $reservationDisplay .= $thisCal->addEvent(date($newcheckinDate), "' .$checkintime. 'Holiday Let Reservation, Mill Wheel </br> Bob Johnson Family </br> 01933 526655", "10:45 AM", "Reservation for 5 days");
  13. Why are you closing the php code with single quotes?
  14. Hey guys, does anybody know where is located the firefox's history file in linux. It supposed to be in : /home/jazzman/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/history.bat but....actually is not there. Thanks, jazz.
  15. Php is not C
  16. Check this out reply #11 and you could use the same logic. EDIT: Psycho is already gave you a good example, I like this guy
  17. You must write every mysql_* and php functions in your native language and everything should be just fine, without any errors!
  18. Never ever run a query in loop, it's a very bad practice! Anyway, try this: $import = spintf("INSERT DELAYED INTO kalkulacija_import_kategorija (uvezao, vrijeme,kat_br,naziv_artikla,kategorija_artikla,grupa_proizvoda,podgrupa_proizvoda) VALUES ( '%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')", mysql_real_escape_string($napravio), mysql_real_escape_string($vrijeme), mysql_real_escape_string($data[0]), mysql_real_escape_string($data[1]), mysql_real_escape_string($data[2]), mysql_real_escape_string($data[3]), mysql_real_escape_string($data[4]));
  19. Add mysql_error() and see the real error. For example: $rs = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
  20. Just return false. if(empty($Name)) { $message = 'You are required to input a name.'; return false; } How is treated an integer by 0 in the form , as true or false?
  21. Copy woks to me. copy("https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/s2048x2048/643928_10151459968053747_138997005_n.jpg", "images/test.jpg");
  22. http://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/274545-multiple-file-uploads-not-working-properly/
  23. That's fine, but you need to know that not all mail servers allow to send messages by SMTP without TLS/SSL, using different ports and transport layer security. You have to check this. The easiest way to solve that issue is to use some based mailing libraries in php like - swiftMailer or phpMailer.
  24. Could you run this command to the windows command prompt and give us back the results. I am only interested in the port 25. netstat -аn
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