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Everything posted by ober

  1. [!--quoteo--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--]It is completely online and can be used in your favorite browser like internet explorer. [/quote] Umm... Internet Explorer should be capitalized and should probably have a TM symbol after it. I didn't see any mention of security or how you store my information. In short, it doesn't look secure, it doesn't feel secure, and you don't mention anything about it being secure. Good luck with that. Oh, and Opera has a built in password "wand", so if you switched to a real browser you'd have something that does this already.
  2. I'm very tempted to close this. You're asking for a critique on a template, like moberemk said. On top of that, you're asking for members. That's not what this board is about.
  3. Chat has been down for some time now. I'm not aware of plans to fix it anytime soon.
  4. I had the blurry effect at first too. A few reboots seem to have fixed it (and maybe a patch or something). I personally don't like the changes and I think it's still an inferior browser. I think a lot of people are going to hate the "mystery meat" navigation. I hear that's how a lot of Vista is tho... :(
  5. Thanks Barand. That did make a difference, but the biggest difference here was indexing the table. Thanks Jon.
  6. I can get rid of the first IN, but not the second, which is where I assume most of the slow-down is. And Jon, I'll try indexing the HEADER_ID field... but creating another table is a whole other headache in itself. But I'll think about it. Thanks.
  7. Jon, Thanks for the reply. Currently there are close to 700,000 records in the table and it grows at 12000 records per test. I'm indexing an auto_increment field called "ID". Each set of 12000 (approximately) records has an ID called HEADER_ID tied to it. I think that's where the main time consumption is happening... doing the distinct on all of those. and $ttcode is "130,210" in this case. It's always going to be a very small comma seperated list of numbers (currently a max of 3).
  8. My suggestion: 1) Use SMF (www.simplemachines.org) for the forums. It's free and has all the bells and whistles of the other paid forums. 2) It's be easier to have the users login to both through the forums user table instead of the other way around. You might have to convert the ones that are already signed up for the site to the forums table, but that wouldn't be hard.
  9. I have the following select box that gets filled on a page load. Everything else on the page gets loaded almost instantly (I'm on a LAN), but when I get to this part of the page, it takes several very long seconds to fill the select box. I use almost the same code in another setup, so I think the PHP is fine. I'm pretty much narrowing it down to the actual query, but I thought I'd post here and see if anyone sees something wrong with how I'm processing it. And I know the query is pretty involved, so I'm wondering if I broke it up a bit whether it would be faster!? [code] <?php     $query = "SELECT HEADER_ID, CELL_NUMBER, END_DATE, TEST_NAME FROM EngineTestHeader WHERE TEST_TYPE_CODE IN ($ttcode) AND HEADER_ID IN (SELECT DISTINCT HEADER_ID FROM TransientCycleData) ORDER BY END_DATE DESC";     $result = $ehandle->update_query($query);     if($result && mssql_num_rows($result) > 0)     {               // dump everything to the select box           $i = 0;         while($row = mssql_fetch_array($result))         {             extract($row);             $cell = $CELL_NUMBER;             if(strlen(trim($CELL_NUMBER)) == 1)                 $cell = "0" . $CELL_NUMBER;             echo "<option value=\"$HEADER_ID\">Cell $cell&nbsp;-&nbsp;" . @date("M d Y h:i A", strtotime($END_DATE)) . "&nbsp;-&nbsp;$TEST_NAME</option>";         }     }     ?> [/code] Oh, and the $ehandle->update_query() part is a custom class that I use. I know it's not that.
  10. I don't see anything about it on labs.google.com... where are you getting your info?
  11. [!--quoteo--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--]Option 1 : 0.011514186859131 Option 2 : 0.021591901779175 [/quote] [!--quoteo--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--]Option 1 : 0.013145923614502 Option 2 : 0.018763065338135[/quote] And I ran about 10 more attempts and the numbers all came out the same pretty much. Option 1 was the clear winner. I'm running IIS 5 on a Win2000 Server box with a 850MHz AMD and 256MB RAM. I'm using PHP 5.0.4
  12. I would have to agree with you. Login has worked fine for me. We are talking about a forum upgrade to a different set of forums, so maybe that will help the issue as well (not that it would be very soon).
  13. I'm not sure really. I'm one of the admins, but I don't have access to that stuff. One of the few guys that I know that does have access to it is usually pretty busy. PM phpfreak if you'd like it to be pushed a bit.
  14. ober

    Excel w/ PHP

    Alright... thanks for the replies all. Just to answer a few of the questions: 1) I'm not looking for a CSV format. I already create that for one of my apps and that works fine. 2) I'm also not looking for an export from an HTML table to Excel. I'm looking to create a new document, play with it, format it, do whatever I'd do manually with Excel, and do it all with PHP and possibly Pear. Thanks for the links CV... I'll check those out ;)
  15. I've looked through the manual and on other places on the web including searching these forums. The only thing I've found about Excel is how to open a file and push it to the user via a header call. Is there a way to create a new document... and to just save that document to a folder so I can provide a link to it where they can do a "right-click->save as..." type of deal? Any help would be appreciated.
  16. There are several other threads about recommendations for that stuff in the Misc board. I'd suggest doing a quick search.
  17. If you post a more detailed question in PHP Help, you'll probably get some more help. And I'd suggest reading some tutorials on the main site (http://www.phpfreaks.com) if you're completely new to PHP and server-side scripting.
  18. I assume you've read through the help files of both the SMTP server and PHP? I've been through this battle and ended up switching to a SMTP server that our IT group setup in another server farm. Can you post your php.ini settings?
  19. WOw..... you're lazy. A google search turns them both up easily: [a href=\"http://www.free-av.com/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.free-av.com/[/a] [a href=\"http://www.grisoft.com/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.grisoft.com/[/a]
  20. This works for me in both Opera and IE 7. CSS: [code]a {     color: blue;     text-decoration: none; } a:link {     text-decoration: underline; } img {     border: 0; }[/code] HTML: [code]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"     "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>Untitled</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"> </head> <body> <a href="test.php">here</a> <br /><br /><br /> <a href="test.php"><img src="../images/animated_timer_bar.gif" width="220" height="18" alt="" /></a> </body> </html>[/code]
  21. ober

    hidden value

    I hope that isn't an exact copy of the code... I assume the last part is pseudo code. But I guess I'm not sure why you're creating a hidden input if you're sticking it right into a URL.
  22. You'll want to use mysql_select_db() after mysql_connect().
  23. You could do something even more simple: [code]if(substr($url,0,7) == 'http://') $url = substr($url, 7));[/code] I always screw up the math on that second part, so you might want to test it.
  24. Have you searched the forums? There are a hundred examples of how to do things like that. And have you tried anything at all? I suggest posting some code and letting us know where you're getting stuck. No one is going to write it for you.
  25. Spaces and new lines will stick as long as you use nl2br() when you do the output. Bolds are another matter altogether and it'll require them to use some kind of tags to get the desired result. You may want to look into something like fckeditor (do a search on the web).
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