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Everything posted by ober

  1. I'm going to guess that it's an issue of the length of the POST data. I've run into these problems with IE 6 and GET data and I'm going to guess that the POST limit for MacIE5.2 is below that. My only suggestion is to figure out another way to pass the data or to reduce the number of variables you're sending. One way to do this would be to write it all out to a flat file or to a database in steps before this page and then pull all that up when you get to the page you're talking about. FYI, I get the divide by zero errors in Opera too, so it's possible that there is something wrong with the code. You may want to try trapping for the div/zero error. HTH and good luck I'm going to guess that it's an issue of the length of the POST data. I've run into these problems with IE 6 and GET data and I'm going to guess that the POST limit for MacIE5.2 is below that. My only suggestion is to figure out another way to pass the data or to reduce the number of variables you're sending. One way to do this would be to write it all out to a flat file or to a database in steps before this page and then pull all that up when you get to the page you're talking about. HTH and good luck I'm going to guess that it's an issue of the length of the POST data. I've run into these problems with IE 6 and GET data and I'm going to guess that the POST limit for MacIE5.2 is below that. My only suggestion is to figure out another way to pass the data or to reduce the number of variables you're sending. One way to do this would be to write it all out to a flat file or to a database in steps before this page and then pull all that up when you get to the page you're talking about. HTH and good luck
  2. [code]$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM extensions ORDER BY '" . $_GET['orderby'] . "' $sort");[/code]
  3. If the server has been changed to disallow global variables (like if they upgraded PHP, for example) then you can't get the variables you're talking about without using the method I mentioned. And I'm fairly certain that WOULD be the problem.
  4. ??????? You haven't said if there is anything wrong with it or not! Are you getting any error messages? If you're asking us to double-check someone else's work, take it somewhere else.
  5. You didn't write the script, you didn't say what was wrong with it, and you obviously didn't even try to work with it. I'm about 3 seconds away from closing the thread. If you're asking for modifications, go to the freelance board. We're not here to add features to your stuff. We're here to help you work through errors and problems and understanding things.
  6. I don't see where you're extracting the "orderby" part from the URL. You should be using $_GET['orderby'] or $_REQUEST['orderby'] instead of $orderby.
  7. It's not a matter of free vs. paid. We get tons of requests for signups in here and most of us refuse to sign up to all the sites. If you want us to test it, setup an account for us. And FYI, if you're just fishing for members, that's not what this board is about.
  8. If the form inputs are incorrect, you should reload the page for them and fill the data back in from the POST/GET array.
  9. <a href=file_2.php?string=$hlink>String is 3</a> You're not using quotes around the href, PLUS $hlink is a php variable.... you need to put it inside PHP tags: <a href="file_2.php?string=<?=$hlink?>">String is 3</a>
  10. The @ symbol is error suppression and should be used EXTREMLY sparingly, unlike what you have there. You should be using "or die("some message")" after mysql_query calls. That error is the result of a bad SQL query. Maybe you don't have a table called gallery or maybe you're not connected to the database. You might want to read the "annoying errors" section of the FAQ found in the BIG RED LINK in my signature.
  11. Well, here's something I don't understand: when you pull your data out of the database and stuff it into variables, you're using a while loop. The while loop is completely unnecessary when you're only grabbing one record. And if there's more than one record, you're only getting the last one. I suggest verifying that your variables actually contain nothing before you pull it from the DB and then they do contain something afterwards.. The only other thing I can think of would be a scope issue, but you don't use any functions in there.
  12. [code]$query = SELECT emailaddressfield FROM mytable WHERE emailaddressfield = 'entered_email_address'; $result = mysql_query($query); if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {       // email address is in DB } else {      // it isn't in there }[/code]
  13. Without digging into this too deeply, if those variables are coming from another page, you need to use : [code]$ord_query ="INSERT INTO parts_ordered (prt_number, part_description) VALUES ('" . $_REQUEST['p_number'] . "','" . $_REQUEST['p_description'] . "')";[/code] That's assuming that your variables on the form are called by those names.
  14. Give them a link to follow instead of letting them use the back button to navigate?? The session expired message is a browser specific item. Not all browsers display that error.
  15. Why not just modify the other table structure instead of moving all the data?
  16. Post something up when you have something and we can help you.
  17. The best way to avoid these errors is to submit to a "middle page". Your form submits to a secondary page that performs the processing and then uses a header() call to redirect back to the starting page or onto the thank you page or wherever you want to go. That's the only true way to avoid this problem.
  18. That's probably the best way to go about it. There are no sort functions that will give you what you want.
  19. This is how I set my cookies: [code]$userid = setcookie ("uid", $row['uid'], time()+315360000, "/Durb/", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);             $userlevel = setcookie ("level", $row['ulevel'], time()+315360000, "/Durb/", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);             $userval = setcookie ("user", $username, time()+315360000, "/Durb/", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);             $passval = setcookie ("pass", $password, time()+315360000, "/Durb/", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);             if(!$userval && !$passval && !$userlevel)                exit('Your browser has cookies disabled.<br/>You need to have cookies enabled to view this site.<br/>');[/code] This is how I check them on my login page: [code] if(!isset($_REQUEST['login']) && !isset($_REQUEST['logout']) && !isset($_REQUEST['signup']) && !isset($_REQUEST['forgotpass']))     session_start(); if(!isset($_COOKIE['user']) && !isset($_REQUEST['logout']) && !isset($_REQUEST['signup']) && !isset($_REQUEST['approve']) && !isset($_REQUEST['forgotpass'])) {     header("Location: login.php?redir=1");     exit(); } elseif(!isset($_REQUEST['logout']) && !isset($_REQUEST['signup']) && !isset($_REQUEST['forgotpass'])) {     if(!isset($_COOKIE['user']))     {         header("Location: login.php?redir=1");         exit();     }     else     {         $_SESSION['user'] = $_COOKIE['user'];         $_SESSION['pass'] = $_COOKIE['pass'];         $_SESSION['level'] = $_COOKIE['level'];         if(isset($_COOKIE['uid']))             $_SESSION['uid'] = $_COOKIE['uid'];         else         {             require_once("../libs/err_handler.php");             require_once("conn.php");             $ehandle = new sql_handler(1, "", "top.php");             $query = "SELECT uid FROM Users WHERE uname = '" . $_SESSION['user'] . "'";             $result = $ehandle->update_query($query);             $row = mssql_fetch_array($result);             extract($row);             $_SESSION['uid'] = $uid;             $userid = setcookie ("uid", $uid, time()+315360000, "/Durb/", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);         }                  if(isset($_COOKIE['engineID']))             $_SESSION['engid'] = $_COOKIE['engineID'];         if(isset($_REQUEST['engid']))         {             $engid = setcookie ("engineID", $_REQUEST['engid'], time()+315360000, "/Durb/", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);             $_SESSION['engid'] = $_REQUEST['engid'];         }     } } [/code] Obviously there's more to the login than that, but you basically transfer the cookie userid to the session and verify the username/password against the database values. And that second code piece is at the top of ALL my pages within that application.
  20. FYI, I've edited the title... try to keep the 4-letter words out of the titles... I don't care so much about the content of the thread itself, but we don't need the younger crowd seeing that on the index. And please be more descriptive with your titles in the future.
  21. That's a somewhat vague question as we don't know how the template interacts with your code and you haven't really told us where or how you store the page titles. If it's as simple as pulling it from the database and you understand the PHP side of interacting with a database, I suggest you try to hack something up and post it. Until then, it's hard for us to get a handle on how to attack the problem.
  22. Sorry, that's a feature of the board that I'm not about to turn off. Someone may not notice the change if they are skimming the thread and that's not in there. It also gives us notice to see who edited the posts (it's kind of a digital crumb trail for moderation).
  23. Thanks phpfreak! poirot, thanks for the comment, but Crayon_Violent makes a good point. Something is better than nothing. And Crayon_Violent, that's not a bad idea. I will talk that over with the other mods. Thanks!
  24. ober

    Help With Includes

    Includes only include content... they don't define how to display it. This can only be done with frames or iframes. I'm moving this to the HTML board.
  25. Alright... I'm getting the same error now too. I'll check into it.
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