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Posts posted by ober

  1. Remove all of this:
    $sourcehyperlink=mysql_result($result,$i, "sourcehyperlink");

    The extract() does all of that for you within the while loop.

    I'm not sure why you're not getting the rest of the results however. The rest of that looks fine.

    I will mention, however, that your HTML is totally hosed. You should never use a DIV to align text within a <td> and the <font> tag is depreciated. You should really look into CSS or at least use inline CSS with the "style" attribute of the <td>.
  2. I actually think the gradiant isn't bad. It's better than plain black, you have to give him that.

    And Jeff, I'm not sure who you're hosted through (I think you host yourself, so whatever), but I don't know of a single host that claims 100% uptime. That's NEVER going to be true. If I ever saw a host that claimed 100% uptime, I wouldn't go with them because they're bunch of goddamn liars.
  3. Try this:
    [code]foreach ($_FILES["PHOTOONE"] as $key => $error)
       if ($error == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
           $tmp_name = $_FILES["PHOTOONE"]["tmp_name"][$key];
           $name = $_FILES["PHOTOONE"]["name"][$key];
           move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, "$ImagePath/".$_POST['PHOTOREF']."-$name");
    $PHOTOONE = "".$_POST['PHOTOREF']."-$name";
  4. The changes have helped tremendously, but I have the same complaints as a few others.

    The seperator on the index needs to be a shade lighter and if it's not going to touch the sides, it shouldn't touch the top and bottom. You also need more padding, mainly on the right side.

    The black is a pretty good change, but it'd look better as a gradient instead of a solid color.
  5. 1) this:

    can be turned into this:

    That will do the same thing.

    2) As far as the update, are you getting any errors? And might I suggest that you not use the word "session" as a column name as that is a PHP reserved word?
  6. What you've done with the front page helps a lot. You need to move the "learn more" buttons (and possibly make them look better) and I'd put a thin box around each one of those elements just to seperate them nicely.

    I'd say your hosting costs are pretty spot-on, but you're selling yourself pretty cheap as far as labor, IMO. (although going by your design level, it might be pretty accurate)
  7. I'm not going to give you a full example, but it's really quite simple. If you want an example of how to setup a HTML form, you can use my personal site as an example: [a href=\"http://www.whproductions.com/index.php?req=contact\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.whproductions.com/index.php?req=contact[/a]

    Just view the source of the page. As far as the processing page, it's nothing more than following the mail() function example from the PHP manual. You'll find a link to the manual in my sig.
  8. A few things:

    1) It's very blue. When I think Swiss, and especially Swiss Army I think red. All the swiss army stuff is red. While the blue is ok, I think it probably wouldn't hurt to get a contrasting color in there. Variations of the same color can get a little tiresome.

    2) the images on the front page are a little large and cheesy, IMO. Same with the x's and checkmarks in the hosting page. It just looks a little cheap. You could make the ones on the front page more transparent and put them in the background instead of using up so much space for them. I'd also reduce the size of them. You're wasting a lot of space there.

    3) No contact page. For a hosting company, I'd expect to see a contact page instead of a few "mailto" links at the bottom of the front page. And while we're on the subject, the suggestion box link doesn't work.

    4) Your index page is nothing but an extravagent nav section. You could probably tone it down a little and describe the business a little more and let the users find the nav above.

    5) I would personally feel better with a little more padding around the content box.

    It's not bad, but it's not great either. A little tweak here and there would do wonders.
  9. You must remember that PHP is a server-side scripting language. Unless the applet does all its work on the server without showing anything to the user, there is no reason for the 2 languages to interact. From my limited knowledge of applets, they are meant as a client-side interaction only.
  10. Honestly? Honestly. Look at that and tell me you're proud of it.

    EDIT: Thread closed... there are at least 4 other threads on the first page of this board posting the same freakin site. Bump one of the old ones.
  11. I've admined on both vBulletin and SMF. I run another community (entropysink.com/forums) that started out with vBulletin and then moved to SMF. One of my other admins there is also on the build team for SMF, so if we wanted something like the "Solved" feature back, I'm pretty damn sure we could get it.

    vBulletin was nice, but very cumbersome. They had a lot of good features in the latest releases, but they were also always coming out with patches. SMF has been pretty solid and their upgrade feature is nice. I don't like some of the admin layouts in SMF, but that's probably because I'm still getting used to it. I'm not aware of a "Lo-fi" version in SMF, but it may just be how our board is configured. I also know that they're working on a new release that is supposed to have a pretty hefty amount of new features.

    Best of all, SMF is free... vBulletin can be expensive.

    If you're going to switch, my personal recommendation is to go with SMF. You can check out my version here:

    [a href=\"http://www.entropysink.com/forums\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.entropysink.com/forums[/a]

    Mike is the SMF developer if you want to contact him.
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