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Posts posted by ober

  1. I'm not sure I understand the question. All you have to do is chmod the 2 folders listed to 777. If you don't have direct access to the server, you should be able to do this through just about any FTP client, or whatever control panel you may have to the server.
  2. 1) moving to the second page without a reply is an indication that no one either knows how to answer the question or understands the question. I suggest it's probably the first, hence making a seperate board for it isn't going to help. We don't get many questions like that here and when we do, I have no problem with them being in PHP Help. I also have no problem with you continuing to bump them if they get pushed off the first page. I don't think any of the other mods will either.

    2) The "SOLVED" button was wiped out in the last forums upgrade and no one has taken the time to dig through the code to figure out how to put it back in. AFAIK, there are no plans to re-create the mod at this time.
  3. Do you REALLY think it's a good idea to be sassy with an admin? [img src=\"style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/wink.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\":wink:\" border=\"0\" alt=\"wink.gif\" /]

    I have no idea what you've done or what you've attempted. If you listed the things you've done to troubleshoot the problem, we wouldn't be having this part of the conversation.

    Besides, this is a third-party script problem, nothing to do with PHP. Thread MOVED.
  4. I love it when we get all the information up front. [img src=\"style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/huh.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" emoid=\":huh:\" border=\"0\" alt=\"huh.gif\" /]

    I suggest you read through the installation manual again.
  5. You missed Micah's point. Nowhere in what you've posted does it show a submit button in the form. You MUST have a submit button or an "onclick" event in the checkbox that calls a javascript submit event.
  6. What are you using to edit the MySQL tables? It should say in there what the name of the database is. If it is, in fact, "_inv", then that's all you should have to put in there.

    Remove the @ symbol from the mysql_select_db() function and see if you get any errors.
  7. Here's the thing that confuses me. I could understand if it's not running the PHP, or you're getting some kind of error, but the weirdest thing is that you're not getting any errors, all the content around this is showing up, but NONE of what you're posting is showing up in the source.

    The details of the dog should at least be showing up, even if the picture doesn't.

    Can you post the code for the entire page? It's like you're forgetting to include something... or you have something else that is blocking out that entire chunk of code.
  8. That wasn't so hard, was it?

    Your while loop is never going to go anywhere. You set it to 1 and then immediately check to see if it's less than 1.

    if (isset($_POST['id']))
        foreach($_REQUEST['id'] as $val)
        $sql = "UPDATE client2 SET
        FA = '1'
        WHERE id='$val'
        $result = mysql_query($sql) or die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error());
  9. 2 things:

    1) change:
    [code]<img src="immagini/allevamento/<?= $image; ?>" alt="Gunther dei Roeri" width="310" height="260" />[/code]
    to (note short-tag change):
    [code]<img src="immagini/allevamento/<?=$image?>" alt="Gunther dei Roeri" width="310" height="260" />[/code]

    And if that doesn't fix it, change $_REQUEST to $_GET in case you have a variable with "id" in a SESSION or something like that.
  10. Well, I'm not sure why you put your form up above the processing code, because if you hit errors, wouldn't you want the form to show again with the errors showing?

    Other than that, I'm not sure what's going on. If you look at the source, is the code for the form there? If it is, I'd say you have a layout issue, not a PHP issue.
  11. Slightly, but it shouldn't be an issue and #1 WILL NOT WORK. Period. If I were to look up the IPs that I've used personally to log into this site, I'd probably find at least 8-10. And I use a variety of web browsers, so the second part of that isn't going to work either.
  12. You would have to place a script on each page to count the number of times the page is viewed and update either a flat file or a database and then you'd have to figure out where to stick the stats in.

    To pay someone to do this shouldn't be that expensive. If you want to go that route, post in the freelance board.
  13. #2 is a better way to go.

    #1 is dependent on the user always using the same IP (that's going to fail) and also depends on the user-agent (also a very bad idea).

    I'm not even sure why you're considering #1.
  14. err... Nevermind... didn't realize EasyPHP was a complete package with all of that.

    What address are you typing into your browser from the LAN? You should be using the IP of the computer with the webserver installed.
  15. That can be done, it's all a matter of how. Do you have access to cron jobs or scheduled tasks on the server? That's the only way to really reset the value at a specific time. You could do it in PHP by resetting the value when a specific page is loaded, but you'd be checking for a specific time, and someone would have to run the script at that time.
  16. I won't provide you with an example, because I don't have a real simple one, but I'll give you a few tips.

    1) Keep in mind that only the checked boxes will be sent on to the processing page. This gives you the option of setting the value to the client id and you do the same action to all the values that are submitted.
    2) You can name the checkboxes in 1 of 2 ways. Use an array (ie. ckClientID[]) or you can simply name them with a similar naming convention (ie. ck1234, where 1234 is the client id), so when you submit the form, you loop through all the results and look for variables that start with "ck" and handle them accordingly.
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