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Posts posted by ober

  1. The best way to achieve this is to do it with a graphics editor or with CSS (using some tricky methods found on alistapart.com or with the new CSS method which you won't find supported until the next level of CSS is supported in browsers).

    Either way, I don't think this is a PHP question any longer and Javascript certainly won't help you. I will leave it open, but I don't think anyone is going to be able to help you with a PHP solution.
  2. Updating on the fly is going to require something like AJAX. That doesn't have much to do with PHP except for the simple query on the backend to do the updating.

    However, I don't recommend using 8x8 images for 900 cells. If you thought running 900 queries was bad (and you wouldn't have to... you could run 1 query to get the status of all the cells at once), imagine the time it would take to load 900 8x8 images.
  3. Thanks James. steelmanronald06 has also been promoted to admin. I think Eric was getting a little overwhelmed and I'm happy he's made the decision to promote Ron and myself. We've made a few changes already and we hope to be able to provide better service to some of the more advanced features and changes. I don't forsee making any sweeping changes, but a few things that have been overdue (like the titles) are now changed.

    And yes, Eric sent me an email before the promotion and yes, the other moderators know.
  4. In response to a PM, I will agree that this is not spam.

    The only way I can see this even being possible is through some back-end application that has the ability to create cron jobs or scheduled tasks. PHP has no mechanism that I'm aware of that will create a time-based event like this.
  5. I'm not sure exactly what you're getting at. The only time I move queries to an include is if the WHERE clause gets really big and eats up a lot of page real estate. And if the query and resulting display work is only used once, I usually keep it on the same page.

    However, if you're doing a ton of formatting or setup work to display the results of the query and you have several of those, that's when I start to split it out. I have several pages that are nothing but includes to different reports since I have one page that all my reports get printed from in one of my applications. Then I just include whatever report is called from the switch().

    Quick question though... why use ADO? Unless you're using something like Access or MSSQL with field names > 30 characters, there's no reason not to use the built in libraries. ADO is really messy and not nearly as nice to deal with.
  6. Umm... that's still confusing, but if I understand you correctly, you should change it to this:
    [code]<td align="left">'. $row['type']. '</td>
                             <td align="left">'. $sleeps . '</td>
                             <td align="left">'. $board . '</td>
                             <td align="left">'. $row['description']. '</td>
                             <td align="left">'. $pets_allowed. '</td>
                             <td align="left">'. $row['price']. '</td>[/code]
  7. The best way to go about this is to insert parts of the record as you go along. So you're actually storing it into the database. Then when you get to the end of the forms, you set a column to 1... (initially setting this to 0). So if someone exists the form early, you know it because that field will be 0. Then whenever a full set of forms does get submitted (or someone starts a new one), just run a simple script to delete everything out of the database that has a 0 in that field. You're also going to want to check a date field, because to concurrent sessions could delete one or the other.

    I hope that makes sense.
  8. Keep in mind that you'll have to enable the mssql extension in php.ini.

    Changing between the 2 is very simple, however. Just change all the function calls to mssql_query (for example) instead of mysql_query. Also keep in mind that you won't have access to things like LIMIT/mysql_error().
  9. That's the most efficient way to achieve your required results, so that's what I provided. You didn't specify.

    array_unique will probably get you what you want, but I'm going to assume that's probably to simple for what you're after, so the only thing left is to copy used array values to a temp array and then use in_array to check that for "used" array values.
  10. I showed up friday night and Eric was in there with one other person on the other team. I think they were squatting, because I didn't see anyone else in there and Eric didn't respond to my messages. I've seen the server packed before, but it wasn't on a map I was interested in at the time.


    I did have a 1 hour long battle on Kubra last night though... it was KICKASS. I was commander for the US and it was neck and neck for a while... we ended up winning by about 53 or something.

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