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Posts posted by ober

  1. There are 2 ways to do this:

    1) in the onchange event of the select box, you call a javascript function that recalls the page with the ID of the user selected and runs the PHP to fill the boxes.
    2) You use AJAX to do the dirty work.

    Both require Javascript. If you want to avoid Javascript, you'll have to use 2 different forms. One with just the select box and one to deal with the info in the other fields once they get filled in.
  2. You'll have to use something else to get that info. PHP is a SERVER SIDE scripting language and doesn't have access to those parameters. You MIGHT be able to grab the country via headers or IP translation, but PHP alone cannot get you all that information.
  3. Well, it's to avoid holidays and to give people ample time to realize their mistakes. You can set something and not realize it was wrong and not have anyone report it to you for several days. I personally set my cushions at 3 weeks, which pretty much catches 99% of any major screwups. I have had cases where people came to me 3 months after a change was made and I didn't have the backups, but luckily our IT staff was able to go to tape-backups and retrieve it.

    Hell, as far as code backups, I have stuff from almost 3 years ago. You never know when an old trick is going to work or you're going to need an example of how you did something.

    Backups are a personal decision IMO, but you can't disagree that the more the better! It's a CYA (Cover Your Ass) policy that I try to follow.

    EDIT: OH, and you're welcome for the comments... you're always very thorough and I hope I gave you the same experience.
  4. Well, I'll explain how I manage my stuff. All my connections are setup in my header file that I include with all my files. The connection is opened at the top of the page and then I have a class that I use to run the actual queries. I never close the connection, it just drops off automatically. So I never really write a "open connection" call in my pages. It's always just there. You obviously can't avoid calling queries within your pages, so you have to do that stuff.
  5. Technically, you don't even have to close the mysql connection, but your second method is definately the better of the two. There is no problem with leaving the connection open for the entire page. Subsequent query calls are just going to reuse the existing connection.

  6. Awesome work, and the re-ordering definately works like a charm now!

    I'd say that's one of the best admin pages I've seen in a while. Clean, efficient, and very easy to use!

    And I think the rule of thumb for backups is at least 2 weeks.

    Oh, I did have one more complaint... I don't see the point in the "Admin Home", unless you're going to add more content to it. If all it is going to say is "use the nav on the left to make your edits"... then I think you can drop it.
  7. Welcome to the forums!

    Your "completion" message is always going to show up because you run it no matter what happens with the results.

    You need to do this:
    $result = @mysql _query($query);

           echo '<strong>Information updated for $name_first $name_last<br><a href="./add_talent.php">Return</a> to add new Talent</strong>'
          echo "There was a problem with your update: " . mysql_error();

    As a side note, you can reduce the following:
    $ child_id=$_POST["child_id"];

    to this:

    It does the same thing.
  8. Welcome to the forums!

    I think you're taking the long way to solve your problem. You don't need to use arrays so extensively. That is why you have a database and you should really learn the power of the database instead of using multi-dimensional array manipulation.

    When you run your query, it should be setup like this:

    $query = "SELECT * FROM table";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

    // the following tells you how many records were returned by the query
    $numrows = mysql_num_rows($result);
    echo "There are $numrows records in my database!<br/>";

    // the following creates an array of a single record and consecutive calls
    // using a while loop will fill the array with the next record
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
        echo $row['column_name1'];
        echo $row['column_name2'];

        // or alternatively
        echo $column_name1;
        echo $column_name2;

    You can also refine your query to look for specific items using WHERE clauses.

    I hope this helps.
  9. You need a if/else:

         // do whatever
        // show data

    You can add more to that if you want certain things to happen if something else in the post is set. Just add an "else if(isset(whatever)).
  10. To all concerned: this is a Javascript question. I have moved it here because of that. I have also renamed the thread because that's a ridiculous title and provides no meaning. joecooper, you're being warned.
  11. First of all, using an ampersand in a fieldname is NOT a good idea. Talk about asking for trouble.

    Secondly, if Product_Cat_ID is an auto_increment field, you can leave it out entirely. It'll fill itself in. If it's not an auto_increment field and you've specified that it cannot be empty/null, it's not going to accept it.
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