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Posts posted by ober

  1. That's a very open-ended question. It's all possibly and shouldn't be too bad for someone with half a year's experience in the language.

    If you have a specific question about the project, I suggest you point it out.
  2. I changed the title... you want to split the results, not the DBs. And there are a hundred examples of how to do this throughout the forums and most likely there is a tutorial on the main portion of this site. I suggest you do a search.
  3. You would get that if you output something to the browser before calling the header() function.

    One other thing I noticed:

    $_SESSION[valid] = $valid;

    You don't have any quotes around the key name.

    $_SESSION['valid'] = $valid;
  4. $count is always going to be zero according to your code.

    [code]echo '<div class="title">' . $row['cat_name'] . '</div>';
                $query2 = 'SELECT * FROM admin_tools ORDER BY tool_num ASC';
                if($r=mysql_query($query2)) {
                    echo '<table>';
                    $count = 0;
                    while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($r)) {
                            if($count == 0) {
                                 echo '<tr>';
                            echo '<td>';
                            if($row2['tool_icon']){$a='<a href="' . $row2['tool_link'] . '"><img src="' . $row2['tool_icon'] . '" border="0" /> </a>';}
                            else {$a='&nbsp;';}
                            echo $a . '<a href="' . $row2['tool_link'] . '"><br />' . $row2['tool_name'] . '</a><br /></td>';
                            if(++$count == 3) {
                                 echo '</tr>';                            
                                 $count = 0;
                            echo '</table';
  5. My suggestion would be to build it with PHP4, since a lot of hosts are still hesitant to install and support PHP5. This is especially the case if you plan to give the CMS to other people to use on their own hosts.
  6. Yes, you can use arrays in session variables, however I'm not sure that you can use 2 dimensional arrays in sessions.

    What you should really be doing for something this complicated is setting up temporary database records. It would not only be more reliable, but it would probably be easier to work with than a bunch of multi-dimensional arrays.
  7. 20MB of files or 20MB worth of DB info? My suggestion would be to run an export on the old database and then an import on the new one. I don't think a direct transfer is possible. To cut this down, you can only export certain tables, doing it in chunks. Keep in mind that depending on the options you choose in phpmyadmin, it's going to take a while for the file to be generated and sent to you as a download. I'd suggest doing the zipped version as well, as it'll take about 1/10th of the time.
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